·瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第一章
·瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第二章
·瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第三章
·瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第四章
·瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第五章
·瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第六章
·瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第七章
瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第一章
瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第一章
浏览次数:2585 更新时间:2019-12-20









       瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第一章

But, since man, who has been given free will, willfullyrejects my commandments and obeys the devil, it is only right that he alsoexperiences his tyranny and malice. This devil was created good by me, but fellby his own wicked will, and has become, so to speak, my servant for inflictingvengeance on the workers of evil.


Yet, even though I amnow so despised, I am still so merciful that whoever prays for my mercy andhumbles himself in amendment shall be forgiven his sins, and I shall save himfrom the evil robber - the devil. But to those who continue despising me, Ishall visit my justice upon them, so that those hearing it will tremble, andthose who feel it will say: “Woe, that we were ever conceived or born! Woe,that we ever provoked the Lord of majesty to wrath!”


But you, my daughter,whom I have chosen for myself, and with whom I now speak in spirit: love mewith all your heart - not as you love your son or daughter or parents, but morethan anything in the world - since I, who created you, did not spare any of mylimbs in suffering for your sake! Yet, I love your soul so dearly that, ratherthan losing you, I would let myself be crucified again, if it were possible.Imitate my humility; for I, the King of glory and of angels, was clothed inugly, wretched rags and stood naked at the pillar and heard all kinds ofinsults and ridicule with my own ears. Always prefer my will before your own,because my Mother, your Lady, has, from the beginning to the end, never wantedanything but what I wanted.


If you do this, thenyour heart shall be with my heart, and it will be inflamed by my love in thesame way that anything dry becomes rapidly inflamed by fire. Your soul shall beso inflamed and filled with me, and I will be in you, so that everythingworldly becomes bitter to you and all fleshly lusts like poison. You will restin the arms of my Divinity, where no fleshly desires exist, but only spiritualdelight and joy which fill the delighted soul with happiness - inwardly andoutwardly - so that it thinks of nothing and desires nothing but the joy whichit possesses. So love me alone, and you will have all the things you want, andyou will have them in abundance. Is it not written that the oil of the widowdid not decrease until the day the rain was sent to earth by God according tothe words of the prophet? I am the true prophet! If you believe my words andfollow and fulfill them, the oil - joy and jubilation - shall never decreasefor you for all eternity.”


OurLord Jesus Christ’s words to his daughter - whom He now had taken as His bride- about the articles of the true faith, and about what kind of adornments,tokens and desires the bride must have in order to please the Bridegroom.

我们的主耶稣基督对祂女儿说的话——祂现在拣选做祂净配的人——关于真正的信条,关于为了取悦新郎,新娘要有哪种爱和渴求。(注:信条:articles of faith:教友应信的各端教理。)

下一篇:瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第二章


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