·瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第一章
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·瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第三章
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·瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第七章
瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第三章
瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第三章
浏览次数:2114 更新时间:2020-1-21


Our Lord Jesus Christ’s words of wisdom to His bride about how she should love and honor Him, the Bridegroom, and about how the evil love the world and hate God.



Chapter 3


“I am your God and Lord, whom you worship and honor. I am the one who upholds heaven and earth with my power; they are not upheld by any pillars or anything else. I am the one who is handled and offered up each day on the altar under the appearance of bread as true God and true man. I am the same one who has chosen you. Honor my Father! Love me! Obey my Spirit! Honor my Mother as your Lady! Honor all my saints! Keep the true faith which you shall learn by him who experienced within himself the battle of the two spirits - the spirit of falsehood and the spirit of truth - and with my help won. Maintain true humility. What is true humility if not to behave as one really is, and to give praise to God for the good things he has given us?


But now, there are many who hate me and my deeds, and who account my words as sorrow and vanity, but instead, with affection and love, embrace the whoremonger: the devil. Whatever they do for my sake is done with grumbling and bitterness. They would not even confess my name or serve me, if they did not fear the opinion of other men. They love the world with such fervor that they never tire of working for it night and day, always burning with their love for it. Their service is as pleasing to me as that of someone who gives his enemy money to kill his own son! This is what they do to me. They give me some alms and honor me with their lips in order to gain worldly success and to remain in their honor and in their sin. The good spirit is therefore hindered in them and they are prevented from making any progress in doing good.


However, if you want to love me with all your heart and to desire nothing but me, I will draw you to myself through love, just as a magnet draws iron to itself. I will place you on my arm, which is so strong that no one can stretch it out, and so firm that, once outstretched, no one is able to bend it back, and is so sweet that it surpasses every fragrance and is beyond comparison to any sweet thing or delight of this world.





This man, who was the teacher of the bride of Christ, was the holy theologian and canon of Linkoping, named Master Mathias of Sweden. He wrote an excellent commentary on the whole Bible. He was ingenuously tempted by the devil with many heresies against the Catholic faith. However, he overcame all of them with the help of Christ and could not be conquered by the devil, as is shown in the written biography of Saint Bridget. It was this Master Mathias who composed the prologue to these books which begins thus: “Stupor et mirabilia,” etc. He was a holy man with great spiritual power in both word and deed. When he died in Sweden, the bride of Christ was living in Rome. While she was praying, she heard a voice saying to her in spirit: “Happy are you, Master Mathias, for the crown that has been prepared for you in heaven! Come now to the wisdom that will never end!”

此人为基督净配的老师,是林雪平的神学家和咏礼司铎,被称为瑞典训导师玛弟亚(注:亦被称为Magister Mathias of Sweden)。他为整本圣经写了极好的注解。撒殚以许多相反天主教信仰的异端诡诈地诱惑他。然而,在基督的帮助下他战胜了所有诱惑,撒殚无法得胜他,见《圣毕哲传记》中所载。正是这位训导师玛弟亚为这些书撰写了序言,以此开头:“美妙又神奇”等等。他是一位无论在语言还是行为上都有着巨大精神力量的圣人。当他在瑞典离世时,基督的净配正居住在罗马。当她祈祷时,意念中她听到有个声音对她说:“你是有福的,训导师玛弟亚,因为天国中的荣冠已然为你备好!到永无止境的智慧中来吧!”

One may also read more about Master Mathias in this Book (in chapter 52), in Book V (in the answer to question 3 in the last interrogation), and in Book VI (chapters 75 and 89).



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