·01圣方济各亚西西言行录 第一封信
·02圣方济各亚西西言行录 第二封信
·03圣方济各亚西西言行录 第三封信
·04圣方济各亚西西言行录 第四封信
·05圣方济各亚西西言行录 第五封信
·06圣方济各亚西西言行录 第六封信
·07圣方济各亚西西言行录 第七封信
·08圣方济各亚西西言行录 第八封信
·09圣方济各亚西西言行录 第九封信
·10圣方济各亚西西言行录 第十封信
·11圣方济各亚西西言行录 第十一封
·12圣方济各亚西西言行录 第十二封
·13圣方济各亚西西言行录 第十三封
·14圣方济各亚西西言行录 第十四封
·15圣方济各亚西西言行录 第十五封
·16.圣方济各亚西西言行录 第十六封
·17.圣方济各亚西西言行录 第十七封
11圣方济各亚西西言行录 第十一封信
11圣方济各亚西西言行录 第十一封信
浏览次数:2046 更新时间:2019-11-6




To the General Chapter.


To the Reverend and much-beloved Brethren, the Minister-General, and others of the Order of Friars Minor, Brother Francis, greeting in the Lord.


Since those who are of God hear the words of God, it behoves us, beloved brethren, who have been chosen to fulfill all divine offices, not only to hear and practise what God has commanded, but also to watch most carefully over the sacred vessels, and the holy Office-books in which His words are contained, that we may become penetrated with the greatness of our Creator, and show our submission to Him. Therefore I desire and exhort my brethren to show all possible respect to the Divine Scriptures wherever they see them, and if they should be found in any improper place, or scattered about in a disrespectful manner, let them collect and put them in a becoming place as far as possible, in order to show reverence to the words of the Lord. For many things are sanctified by the Word of God, and the mystery of the Adorable Sacrament of the Altar is accomplished by the power of the words of Jesus Christ.


Moreover, I confess all my sins to God, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; to the Blessed Mary ever Virgin, to all the saints in heaven and on earth, to the Minister-General of the Order, as my venerable Superior, to all the priests of the Order, and to all my beloved brethren. I have sinned in manifold ways and grievously, especially by not observing the Rule as I promised to God, and by not reciting the Office as that Rule prescribes, either through negligence or on account of my infirmities, or because I am an ignorant, simple man.

 此外,我向天主忏悔我所有的罪,向天主圣父、圣子、及圣神;向充满圣宠的童贞圣母玛利 亚,向天上和地上所有圣人圣女们、向修会总会长,及我尊敬的长上,向修会所有的神父,及我所有亲爱的兄弟们。我在许多方面都犯了严重的罪过,尤其是我没有遵守我对天主的承诺,因为我的软弱和疏忽,我没有按照修会会规规定诵读日课,再或许因为我就是一个愚昧无知,头脑简单的人。 

 I therefore earnestly beseech the Minister-General, my lord, to cause the Rule to be strictly observed by all, and to see that the clerics recite the Office devoutly before God, endeavouring to please Him by the concord of their hearts, and not to soothe the ears of the people by the sweetness of their singing; not attending to the melody of the voice, but to the harmony of the mind, so that their voices may be in unison with their hearts, and their hearts with God. As for myself I promise, by the grace of God, to observe these things faithfully, and I will cause them to be observed by those brethren who are with me, both with regard to the Office, and to other regulations. As for those who will not observe them, I do not look upon them as Catholics, nor my brethren ; I will neither see nor speak with them until they have done penance. I say the same of those who wander to and fro, and make no account of the ordinances and precepts of the Rule; for Our Lord Jesus Christ sacrificed His life rather than disobey His Heavenly Father.


I, Brother Francis, a vile man, and unworthy creature of God, command, in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Minister-General, all the Ministers- General who come after him, all the Custodes and Guardians present and to come, to have this writing, to keep it carefully, and to practise what it contains. I implore them to have all that is written therein carefully and diligently observed. May those who are faithful to these things be blessed of the Lord, according to the will of Almighty God, now and in future as long as the world exists. May the Lord be with you for ever. Amen.



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