·01圣方济各亚西西言行录 第一封信
·02圣方济各亚西西言行录 第二封信
·03圣方济各亚西西言行录 第三封信
·04圣方济各亚西西言行录 第四封信
·05圣方济各亚西西言行录 第五封信
·06圣方济各亚西西言行录 第六封信
·07圣方济各亚西西言行录 第七封信
·08圣方济各亚西西言行录 第八封信
·09圣方济各亚西西言行录 第九封信
·10圣方济各亚西西言行录 第十封信
·11圣方济各亚西西言行录 第十一封
·12圣方济各亚西西言行录 第十二封
·13圣方济各亚西西言行录 第十三封
·14圣方济各亚西西言行录 第十四封
·15圣方济各亚西西言行录 第十五封
·16.圣方济各亚西西言行录 第十六封
·17.圣方济各亚西西言行录 第十七封
08圣方济各亚西西言行录 第八封信
08圣方济各亚西西言行录 第八封信
浏览次数:2213 更新时间:2019-10-12




 To the Minister- General of the Friars Minor.


To the Reverend Father N., Minister-General of the whole Order.


May the Lord protect thee, and keep thee in His holy love. I recommend to thee, my Brother, patience in all thy works, so that no matter what impediments thou meetest with either from the brethren or from others, even if they were to strike thee, thou shouldst receive it as a favour, and desire that and nothing else. And thou shouldst love those who act thus towards thee, and not wish them to be different until the Lord grants it for thy consolation. But thou must love them by desiring that they become better Christians. By this I shall know if thou truly lovest God, and me, His and thy poor servant, if thou actest in this manner, namely, that thou never allowest any brother who has sinned, no matter how deeply, to leave thy presence without pardon. And if he will not ask it, thou must ask him if he desire it. And if he should afterwards be brought before thee again, even a thousand times, love him still, even more than thou lovest me, in order to draw him to good; and always be compassionate towards such. Enforce this also on the Guardians as much as pos¬sibletelling them thou art determined to act in this manner. And let all the brethren who know him to have sinned be careful not to reproach him for it, nor to speak evil of him, but let them have great com¬passion on such a one, and keep the sins of their brother secret, for those who are whole do not need a physician, but those who are sick. If any brother, by the instigation of the enemy, should sin mortally, he is bound under obedience to have recourse to his Guardian, and the Guardian is equally bound to send him to the Custos. And this Custos has no power to inflict any further punishment upon a brother who is penitent than this: Go, and sin no more. Do this, and farewell.


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