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003天主的奥秘之城第一册第1卷第1章3 批准
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天主的奥秘之城第一册第1卷第1章3 批准



The first Pope officially to take noticeof “Ciudad de Dios” was Pope Innocent XI, who, on July 3, 1686, in response toa series of virulent attacks and machinations of some members of the Sorbonne,known to be Jansenists, issued a breve permitting the publication and readingof the “Ciudad de Dios.”


Similar decrees were afterward issued byPopes Alexander VIII, Clement IX and Benedict XIII.


These decrees were followed by twodecrees of the Congregation of Rites, approved by Benedict XIV and Clement XIV,in which the authenticity of “Ciudad de Dios” as extant and written by theVenerable Servant of God, Mary of Jesus, is officially established.


The great pope Benedict XIII, when hewas archbishop of Benevent, used these revelations as material for a series ofsermons on the Blessed Virgin.


On Sept. 26, 1713, the bishop of Ceneda,Italy, objecting to the publication of the “City of God,” was peremptorilyordered by the Holy Office to withdraw his objections as interfering with thedecree of pope Innocent XI for the universal Church.


The process of canonization of Mary ofAgreda was promoted by the Spanish bishops and other eminent men of the Churchsoon after her death in 1666.


It has resulted so far in securing herthe title of Venerabilis, thus clearing the way to her beatification, forwhich, let us hope, God will soon raise a promoter among the many pious andeminent men who hold in esteem her writings and have learned of her holy lifeand of the miracles wrought at her tomb.


The Redemptorist Fathers published a newGerman translation in 1885, which was approved and highly recommended by theBishop of Ratisbon in the following terms:


 “We take pleasure in giving our episcopalapprobation to the annotated translation of the Spanish original “Ciudad deDios” of Mary of Jesus and recommend this book, which will surely edify allreaders and be the occasion of great spiritual blessings.”

「我们很高兴,对耶稣的玛利亚的西班牙原文《天主之城》带注释的翻译被主教认可,并推荐这本书,它肯定会启迪所有的读者,成为伟大的灵性祝福的机会。 」

Ratisbon, September 29, 1885.


Ignatius, Bishop of Ratisbon.


Notable is the high recommendation ofthe Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg, Apost. Legate, Primate of Germany, etc.


“According to the decrees of PopeInnocent XI and Clement XI the book known as ‘Ciudad de Dios’ written by theVenerable Servant of God, Maria de Jesus, may be read by all the faithful.”

「根据教宗诺森十一世和克莱孟十一世的法令,所有的信徒都可以阅读由神圣可敬的天主仆人,耶稣的玛利亚所写的《天主之城》一书。 」

 “A number of episcopal approbations, therecommendations of four renowned universities, namely, of Toulouse, Salamanca,Alcala and Louvain, and of prominent members of different orders, coincide inextolling the above-named work.


The learned and pious Cardinal D’Aguirresays that he considers all the studies of fifty years of his previous life asof small consequence in comparison with the doctrines he found in this book,which in all things are in harmony with the Holy Scriptures, the Holy Fathersand Councils of the Church.


The Venerable Superior-General of St.Sulpice, Abbe Emery, adds: “Only since I read the revelations of Mary of Agredado I properly know Jesus and his Holy Mother.”

艾默里修会院长可敬的圣叙尔皮斯补充说:「只有在我读了艾吉达的玛利亚启示,我才真正了解了耶稣和祂的圣母。 」

 “We therefore do not hesitate—in granting ourepiscopal approbation to—“Ciudad de Dios”—and wish to recommend it to thefaithful and especially to our clergy.”

「因此,我们毫不犹豫地授予对《天主之城》的主教认可,并希望把它推荐给教友,尤其是我们的圣职人员。 」

Franz Albert, Archbishop. ArchiepiscopalChancery, Salzburg.



September 12, 1885.


A more recent official approbation of“Ciudad de Dios” is from the Bishop of Tarazona, prefacing the new edition of1911-1912.


 “We, Dr. James Ozoidiy Udave, by the grace ofGod and of the Apostolic See, Bishop of Tarazona, Administrator Apostolic ofthe Diocese of Tudela, etc., etc.


Having charged the priest Don EduardoRoyo, chaplain and confessor at the convent of the Immaculate Conception ofAgreda, carefully and exactly to compare the manuscript which is to serve ascopy for the printing of the new edition of the “City of God” .


now about to be published by thereligious of the above-named convent, with the authenticated autographmanuscript of that work there preserved,—and having ascertained by a personalrevision of a great part of the manuscript that the said priest has diligentlyand faithfully fulfilled this charge imposed upon him by us:


We now therefore certify that thispresent edition of ‘Ciudad de Dios,’ with the exception of a few mereorthographic modifications, is entirely conformable to the autograph of thatwork as composed and written by the Venerable Mother Mary of Jesus of Agreda.


Tarazona, April 7, 1911.


 [Diocesan Seal] James, Bishop of Tarazona.


Finally follows the official approbationof the Right Reverend Bishop of the Fort Wayne Diocese, where this Englishtranslation is published.



Rome City, Ind., Aug. 24, 1912.


The Rev. George J. Blatter,


Dear Rev. Father:—


My Imprimatur is herewith granted toyour English translation of the work entitled ‘Ciudad de Dios.’ Wishing youevery blessing, I remain,Devotedly in Domino,


J·H· ALERDING, Bishop of Fort Wayne.


The author has made use of capitalletters in the text slightly at variance with common usage, in order to avoidcomplication and secure greater clearness.


The paragraph numbers are those of thenewest Spanish edition of “Ciudad de Dios” in 1912. In the abridgment they varyslightly.


City of God is divided into three Partsand eight Books.


Part I contains Books 1 and 2.


Part II contains Books 3, 4, 5 and 6.


Part III contains Books 7 and 8.


As circumstances compel a serialpublication of the four volumes, the author judged it best to head thesedivisions as follow:


The Conception, Books 1 and 2.


The Incarnation, Books 3 and 4.


The Transfixion, Books 5 and 6.


The Coronation, Books 7 and 8.


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