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036天主的奥秘之城第一册第2卷第6章 关于信德,以及至圣玛利亚是如何操练它的
036天主的奥秘之城第一册第2卷第6章 关于信德,以及至圣玛利亚是如何操练它的
浏览次数:1403 更新时间:2021-12-10






488. In few words the holy Elizabeth described the greatness of the faith of most holy Mary, when, as reported to us by the evangelist Luke, She exclaimed: “Blessed art thou for having believed, because the words and promises of the Lord shall be fulfilled in Thee”(Luke 1, 45). The faith of this great Lady must be estimated from the greatness of her good fortune and beatitude, and from her ineffable dignity; for her faith inspired Her with so great and so excellent a belief in God, that it merited a place inferior only to God himself.

488. 圣依撒伯尔用寥寥数语描述了至圣玛利亚信德的伟大,正如圣史路加向我们报告的那样,她惊呼:“那信了由上主传于她的话必要完成的,是有福的。”(路加福音 1:45 )。这位至圣元后的信仰,必须从她的福祉和真福,以及她难以言喻的尊严来估量;她对天主的信仰是多么崇高,成全和伟大,以至于配得仅次于天主的地位。

[经文〈路加福音 1:45〉:那信了由上主传于她的话必要完成的,是有福的。 ]

She believed that Sacrament of all sacraments and mysteries, which was to be fulfilled in her own Self. So great was the prudence and the divine light in Mary our Mistress, in believing this new and unheard of mystery of the Incarnation, that it surpassed all human and angelic understanding, and that it could be properly estimated and understood only in the divine Mind, the workshop of the Most High, where in the power of his right hand all the virtues of this Queen had their origin and completion.


I always find myself taken aback and stupefied, whenever I speak of these virtues, and more particularly of the interior ones ; for though great is the light and intelligence, which were given to me concerning them, yet too limited are human terms to describe the concept and acts of faith, which were engendered in the mind and spirit of Her, who was the most faithful of all creatures, or rather, of Her, who was greater in faith than all of them taken together. I will say what I can, acknowledging my inability to say what I desire, and much more, what is due to the reality.


489. The faith of the most holy Mary was an image of the whole creation and an open prodigy of the divine power, for in Her the virtue of faith existed in the highest and the most perfect degree possible; in a certain manner and to a great extent, it made up for the want of faith in men.

489. 至圣玛利亚的信心是整个受造物的肖像,是全能者在她身上彰显的奇迹,因为在她身上,信德以最高和最完美的程度存在;它以某种方式并在很大程度上弥补了世人信心的缺乏。

The Most High has given this excellent virtue to mortals so that, in spite of the carnal and mortal nature, they might have the knowledge of the Divinity and of his mysteries and admirable works: a knowledge so certain and infallibly secure, that it is like seeing Him face to face, and like the vision of the blessed angels in heaven. The same object and the same truth, which they see openly, we perceive obscured under the veil of faith.


490. One glance at the world will make us understand, how many nations, reigns and provinces, since the beginning of the world, have lost their claims to this great blessing of the faith, so little understood by the thankless mortals: how many have unhappily flung it aside, after the Lord had conferred it on them in his generous mercy, and how many of the faithful, having without their merit received the gift of faith, neglect and despise it, letting it lie idle and unproductive for the last end to which it is to direct and guide them.

490. 看一眼这个世界,我们就会明白,自从世界开始以来,有多少国家、王权和领地已经失去了信仰赋予的伟大祝福之所有权,然而那些不知感恩的世人却知之甚少:在上主以祂慷慨的仁慈将信德赐予他们之后,有多少人不幸地把信德扔到一边,有多少信众在没有功劳的情况下接受了信德的礼物,却忽视它、鄙视它,让它闲置无用直到終了,而这信德是用以指导和引导他们的。

It was befitting therefore, that the divine equity should have some recompense for such lamentable loss, and that such an incomparable benefit should find an adequate and proportionate return, as far as is possible from creatures ; it was befitting that there should be found at least one Creature, in whom the virtue of faith should come to its fullest perfection, as an example and rule for the rest.


491. All this was found in the great faith of the most holy Mary and on account of Her and for Her alone, if there had been no other creature in the world, it would have been most proper, that God should contrive and create the excellent virtue of faith ; for according to our way of understanding, Mary by Herself was a sufficient pledge to the divine Providence, that He would find a proper return on the part of man, and that the object of this faith would not be frustrated by the want of correspondence among mortals.

491. 这一切都在至圣玛利亚的伟大信心里,基于她并且只为了她,倘若世上没有别的受造之物,那么,天主设计和创造的卓越的信德,那将是最恰当不过的; 因为按照我们的理解,玛利亚本身就是对天主上智的充分保证:即天主会在人身上找到适当的回报,并且这种信德的目标不会因世人相对的缺乏而受挫。

The faith of this sovereign Queen was to make recompense for their default and She was to copy the divine prototype of this virtue in its highest perfection. All the other faithful can measure and gage themselves by the faith of this Mistress; for they will be more or less faithful, the more or less they approach the perfection of her incomparable faith. There fore She was set as Teacher and example of all the believing, including the Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles and Martyrs and all that have believed or will believe in the Christian doctrines to the end of the world.


492. Some one might ask the question : how can it be possible, that the Queen of heaven exercised faith, since She had clear visions of the Divinity many times, and many more times was favored with abstract visions, which likewise make evident that which is perceived by the understanding, as was said above (No. 229, 237) and will be said over and over again later on.

492. 有人可能会问:既然天上的元后多次对天主有清晰的神视,她如何能运用信心,而且更多次被赐予抽象的神视,都同样地被理解且明证如前文(第229、237号)所说,稍后将反复地说明。

On account of its uncertainty, the Apostle says, that faith is the substance of the things that appear not ; by which is meant, that we have no other presence or evidence of the real existence of the things we hope for as the ultimate realization of our happiness, than that which is obscurely and as in a mirror presented to us by faith. It is the force of this infused habit, drawing us to believe what we do not see, and the infallible certitude of what is believed, which present those strong motives for prompting the will to strive after what it desires and hopes.


[经文〈希11:1〉:信德是所希望之事的担保,是未见之事的确证(实体)。Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence (substance) of things not seen. ]


According to this doctrine, it seems, that, if the most holy Virgin had ever enjoyed the vision and possession of God (for these two are one) She was deprived of the obscurity necessary for the existence of faith in the things, which She had seen face to face; especially if her understanding retained the images of what She had seen in the intuitive or open vision of the Divinity.


493. But this experience was not only no hindrance to the faith of the most holy Mary, but augmented and raised it to its highest excellence. For the Lord wished, that his Mother should be so wonderfully distinguished in this virtue of faith (and likewise in the virtue of hope), that She should therein surpass all that is given to ordinary wayfarers.

493. 但是,这种经历不仅没有阻碍至圣玛利亚的信心,而且还增强并提升了信心的最高卓越性。因为主希望祂的母亲在信德(以及望德)上如此杰出,她应该超越我们普通信徒所被给与的一切德性。

He wished, that her understanding, in order to befit her position as the Mistress and Artist of these great virtues be embellished at one time by the most perfect acts of faith and hope, at another enraptured with the vision and the possession (even if only temporary), of the very End and Object of faith and hope.



Thus She was prepared by her personal experience and fruition to teach the faithful to believe what She had herself seen and enjoyed. To join these two things in the most holy soul of Mary was easy to the power of the Almighty ; it was due to her dignity as his most pure Mother, and so it must be done : no privilege, however great, was unbecoming to Her ; and in Her none must be wanting.


494. It is true that the clear vision of a mystery is incompatible with the obscurity of the faith by which we believe it, and the possession of a thing excludes the hope of it. So most holy Mary, whenever these high mysteries were shown to Her by evident intuition or intellectual abstractions did not exercise the obscure acts or habits of faith; for on those occasions She could make use only of her infused science.

494. 的确,一个奥秘的清晰神视与我们相信的信心的隐诲是不相容的,拥有一件东西就排除了对它的希望。因此,至圣玛利亚,无论何时通过明显的直观或理智的抽象向她展示这些崇高的奥秘,都没有操练信心的隐诲作为或习性;因为在那些时刻她只能利用她被注入的知识。

But the theological virtues of faith and hope did not therefore remain idle all the time of her life; for the Lord, in order to afford Her the possibility of exercising them, suspended the influx and activity of the clear and evident vision, thereby causing a cessation of the effects of infused knowledge, and making room for the obscurity of faith and the Lord hid himself from Her by taking away all clear evidence of Himself from her mind. This happened in the most high mystery of the Incarnation, as I shall relate in its place (Part II, 119, 133).

但是超性三德的信德和望德并没有因此一直闲置在至圣玛利亚的生活中。 因为天主,为了给她操练它信德和望德的可能性,暂停了清晰和明显神视的流入和活动,从而使注入知识的效果停止,并通过从她的脑海中带走所有关于天主自己的明确证据,为信心的隐诲和从她面前隐藏提供了空间。这发生在道成肉身的最高奥秘中,我将在合适的时机叙述(第二部第二册第三卷的119,133号)。

495. It was not proper, that the Mother of God should be deprived of the reward of the infused virtues of faith and hope ; yet in order to gain this reward, it was necessary to merit it; and in order to merit it, She must have practiced these virtues in proportion to the reward. Just as her merits were great beyond comparison, so the faith in each and every one of the acts of this exalted Lady were correspondingly great; for She perceived and accepted explicitly all the truths of the Catholic religion with the deepest and most perfect faith as a wayfarer.

495.  剥夺天主之母注入的信德和望德的赏报是不恰当的; 然而,为了获得这种奖赏,就必须有自己的功德; 为了得回报,她必须按照回报的比例去实践这些美德。 正如她的功德是无可比拟的,因此,这位天上元后的每一举一动也相对应地伟大 因为她作为朝圣者,并代表人类,以最深刻、最完美的信仰,清楚地感知和接受了天主教的所有真理。  

Manifestly the understanding, as soon as it sees the proper evidence for that which it perceives, does not wait for the consent of the will in order to believe, for before it can receive the command of the will, it has already been compelled to accept the truth by its evidences. Therefore the act of believing what cannot be denied, is not meritorious.

显然,悟性)一旦看到它所认知事的适当证据,就不会等待意志的同意才相信,因为在悟性能够接受意志的命令之前,它已经被迫接受了证据的真相。 因此,相信不可否认之事的行为,不是功德。

[经文〈格前 14:15〉:那么怎样才行呢?我要以神魂祈祷,也要以理智祈祷;我要以神魂歌咏,也要以理智歌咏; ]

When most holy Mary assented to the message of the archangel, She merited an ineffable reward on account of the act of faith necessary to believe such a deep mystery; and the same was true of other acts of faith, whenever the Most High gave Her an opportunity for its exercise by withdrawing the infused knowledge. But even when She applied infused knowledge, She gained great merit, on account of the love with which She utilized it, as I have said in another place (Supra 232, 381,384).

当至圣玛利亚(尔旨承行地)答允总领天使的信息时,由于相信如此深邃的奥秘所必需的信德行为,她堪当不可言喻的赏报;只要至高者通过撤回注入的知识,给她一个操练的机会,其它的信德行为也是如此。但即使当她应用注入的知识时,她也获得了巨大的功德,因为她以爱来运用注入的知识,正如我在另一个地方所说的(见上文 232,381,384)。

496. Just as little did She use the gift of infused science, when She lost the divine Child, at least not in order to find the place where He tarried, though this was possible to Her in many other things. She did not then make use of the clear images of the Divinity ; also not at the foot of the Cross, because the Lord restricted those visions and operations of her most holy soul which would have prevented sorrow.

496. 就像她在丢失圣童耶稣时很少使用注入的知识一样,至少不是为了找到圣童耶稣停留的地方,尽管这在许多其它事情上对她来说是可能的。那时她没有使用天主的清晰图像;也不在十字架脚下使用神视,因为主限制了她最圣洁的灵魂的神视和行动,这些神视和行动本可以防止悲伤。

It was becoming, that She should feel it and be left to the strength of her faith and hope alone. The joy occasioned by any of her visions or intelligences of the Divinity (even if only abstractive), would naturally prevent pain, unless God wrought a new miracle to unite pain with joy. It was not proper that God should work this miracle, since on the sorrows of the Lady depended her merits, and the imitation of her divine Son was to be commensurate with the graces and excellences of the Mother.


Therefore She sought the Child sorrowfully, as She herself says, in faith and lively hope; and the same virtues were also active in witnessing the Passion and Resurrection of her beloved Son. During those times She depended upon Catholic faith, which then became as it were restricted and confined to Her, as its Mistress and Foundress.


497. Three qualities or excellences must in particular be mentioned in speaking of the faith of the most holy Mary: its continuity, its intensity and the intelligence with which it was exercised. The faith of Mary as mentioned above, was suspended only during those times, in which She enjoyed the clearness of the intuitive, and the evidence of the abstractive visions of the Divinity.

497. 在谈到至圣玛利亚的信德时,必须特别提到三个品质或卓越之处:信德的持续、强度、和操练它的智慧。如上(494)所述,当她享有清晰的直观天主和抽象神视的天主之确证的那些时候,玛利亚会暂时停止使用她的信德。

Although only the Lord himself, who dispensed them, could know when She put into operation the one or the other kind of acts, yet the most holy Queen, in making use of the different kinds of spiritual activity, never allowed Her understanding to remain idle for one instant of her life, and from the first moment of her Conception She never lost sight of God. For when She suspended faith, it was because She was enjoying the clear vision of God through the highest kind of infused knowledge, and as soon as the Lord interrupted this clear vision, She renewed the memory of his presence by her faith.


The interchange and succession of these acts produced in the mind of the most holy Mary an exquisite harmony, to which the Most High called the attention of the angels, when He said in the eighth chapter of the Canticles: “Thou that dwellest in the gardens, the friends hearken : make me hear thy voice.”

这些行为的交替和连续在至圣玛利亚的脑海中产生了一种美妙的和谐,至高者在雅歌第八章中说的引起天使们的注意:「住在花园里的你,朋友们请听:让我听到你的声音。 」


498. In regard to the intensity or efficacy of the faith of this sovereign Princess, it is certain, that it exceeded that of the Apostles, Prophets and Saints taken together and reached the highest degree possible in a creature. It not only exceeded the faith of all true believers, but She supplied the faith that was wanting in all those that have not believed and She could by Her faith enrich them all.

498. 关于这位至高公主的信德之强度或功效,可以肯定的是超越了宗徒、先知和圣人一起的总和,并达到了受造物可能达到的最高程度。不仅超出了所有真信徒的信德,而且她提供了所有不相信的人所缺乏的信德,并且她可以通过她的信德丰富他们所有人。

Thus Her faith remained firm, immovable and constant, when the Apostles in the hour of the Passion fell away; and if all the temptations, deceits, errors, and falsehoods of the world were joined together, they could not prevail or disturb the invincible faith of the Queen of believers. She, its Foundress and Instructress, would overcome them all and issue forth victorious and triumphant.


499. The intelligent love, with which She explicitly believed all the divine truths, cannot be expressed in words, without misrepresenting its intensity. The most holy Mary knew all that She believed and believed all that She knew ; for the infused theological knowledge of the credibility of faith’s mysteries, and the understanding of this credibility, existed in the wisest Virgin Mother in the highest degree possible in a mere creature. Her knowledge was kept in a constant actuality, and by means of her memory, like that of an angel, She never forgot, that which once She had learnt.

499. 她明确地相信所有神圣真理的智慧之爱,不能用语言来表达,否则就会歪曲真理的强度。至圣玛利亚知道她所相信的一切,相信她所知道的一切;因为信德奥迹的确实性——注入的神学知识,以及对这种确实性的理解,最大程度地存在于最智慧的童贞圣母这个单纯的受造物中。她的知识保持在一个恒定的现实中,通过她的记忆,就像天使一样,她永远不会忘记她曾经学到的知识。

This gift and faculty of the understanding She kept in constant operation in order to exercise her deep faith ; only at times, as already said, God suspended faith by other acts of the mind (No. 492,465). Except that She was not yet a comprehensor, nothing was wanting in regard to her intelligence of the matters of faith and in regard to the clear knowledge of the Divinity. In this regard She held a position far above that of all the wayfarers and She by Herself constituted a class of such high degrees, as cannot be attained by any other wayfarer to heaven.

这种理解的恩赐和能力,至圣玛利亚不断地运用,以操练她深厚的信仰;只是在某些时候,正如已经说过的,天主会通过其它思想行为来暂停信德的操练(No. 492,465)。除了她还不是荣福直观者之外,她对信德智慧和对天主性的清晰认识没有任何不足。在这一点上,她的地位远远超过了所有的朝圣者,她自己就构成了这个如此高的信德等级,是任何其他的朝圣天堂的朝圣者都无法达到的。

500. And if the most holy Mary, while She exercised the acts of faith and hope, was in what might be called her most ordinary and therefore the lowest degree of activity, and if in that state She excelled all the angels and saints in merits by her faith and love, what must we say of the excellence of her acts, her merits and her affections, during the time in which She was exalted by the divine power to the blessed state of highest intuitive vision and clear knowledge of the Divinity?

500. 如果至圣玛利亚在操练信德和望德时,处于可以称为她最平常之时,因此是活动程度最低的状态,如果在那种状态下,至圣玛利亚凭着她的信德和爱德在功德上优于所有天使和圣人,那么在她被天主的权能提升到最高直观神视和对天主真知的真福状态期之时,我们该必须怎样称赞她的行为、功德、和爱情的卓越呢?

If this is beyond the comprehension of the angelic mind, how can an earthly creature ever hope to find words to describe it? I therefore can only express the mere wish, that all mortals might come to a knowledge of the precious value of faith, by learning it from this heavenly Original, in whom faith attained its ultimate perfection and where it completely fulfilled the end for which it was created. Let the infidels, the heretics, the pagans and idolaters approach this Mistress of faith, most holy Mary, in order to be enlightened in their falsehoods and darksome errors and in order to find the sure way toward the last end of their being.


Let also Catholics approach and learn to understand the copious rewards of this virtue ; let them ask the Lord with the Apostles to increase their faith (Luke 7, 5). Not that they ever can reach the faith of most holy Mary, but let them ask for the desire to imitate Her and follow Her, for by her faith She teaches us, and by her merits She helps us to obtain this virtue.

让天主教徒走近并学会理解信德的丰厚回报;让天主教徒与宗徒们一起求主增加他们的信心(路加福音 17:5)。不是说他们永远不能达到至圣玛利亚信德的程度,而是让他们渴求效法她并跟随她,因为至圣玛利亚以她的信德教导我们,并以她的功德帮助我们获得这种德行。

[经文〈路加福音 17:5〉:宗徒们向主说:“请增加我们的信德罢! ]

501. Saint Paul calls the patriarch Abraham the father of all the faithful ( Rom. 6, 11), because he first received the promise, hoping against hope (Rom. 4, 18). He wishes to extol the excellence of the Patriarch's faith, because he believed the promise of the Lord, that Sarah, his wife, would bear him a son though she was sterile, and, according to the laws of nature, incapable of conception ; moreover, in offering his son as a sacrifice at God’s command, he relinquished at the same time the prospect of the countless offspring, which the Lord had promised to Him.

501. 圣保禄宗徒称圣祖亚巴郎为所有信德之父(罗马书4:16),因为亚巴郎首先接受了应许,寄希望于望德(罗马书 4:18)。保禄希望颂扬圣祖信德的卓越,因为亚巴郎相信了主的应许,即他的妻子撒拉会为他生一个儿子,尽管撒拉根据自然法则是不育的,无法怀孕;不仅如此,亚巴郎还听从天主的命令献上自己的儿子作为全燔祭,与此同时,亚巴郎也就放弃了天主应许给他的无数后代的希望,这是天主应许给他的。

[经文〈罗马书4:16〉:为此,一切都是由于信德,为的是一切都本着恩宠,使恩许为亚巴郎所有的一切后裔坚定不移,不仅为那属于法律的后裔,而且也为那有亚巴郎信德的后裔,因为他是我们众人的父亲。经文〈罗马书4:18〉:他在绝望中仍怀着希望而相信了,因此便成了万民之父,正如向他所预许的:『你的后裔也要这样多。 』 ]

This all, and many other sayings and promises of the Lord were made impossible of fulfillment according to the laws of nature, yet Abraham believed, that the divine power could execute them in a supernatural manner. Therefore he merited to be called the Father of all the believers and to receive the seal of his faith which justified him, namely circumcision.


502. But our supereminent Lady, Mary, possesses much greater rights and titles to be called the Mother of faith and of all the faithful. In her hand is hoisted the standard and ensign of faith for all the believers in the law of grace. First indeed, according to the order of time, was the Patriarch and consequently he was ordained to be the father and head of the Hebrew people: great was his belief in the promises concerning Christ our Lord, and in the works of the Most High.

502. 但是我们卓越的圣母玛利亚拥有更大的权利和名号,被称为信德之母和所有信众的母亲。在她的手中,高举着所有在恩宠律法下的信徒的信德标准和旗帜。的确,按照时间的顺序,首先是圣祖,因此他被命定为希伯来人的圣祖:他信靠我们主耶稣基督的应许,和至高者的作为。

Nevertheless incomparably more admirable was the faith of Mary in all these regards and She excels him in dignity. Greater difficulty and incongruity was there that a virgin should conceive and bring forth, than that an aged and sterile woman should bear fruit ; and the patriarch Abraham was not so certain of the sacrifice of Isaac, as Mary was of the inevitable sacrifice of her most holy Son.


She is the One, who perfectly believed and hoped in all the mysteries, and She shows to the whole Church, how it must believe in the Most High and in the works of his Redemption. Having thus understood the faith of Mary our Queen, we must admit Her to be the Mother of the faithful and the prototype of the Catholic faith and of holy hope.


And thus on the day of universal accounting this sovereign Mistress and Queen shall in an especial manner assist her most holy Son in the judgment of those, who, in spite of such an example, have not believed during their stay on earth.




503. My daughter, the inestimable treasure of the virtue of divine faith is hidden to those mortals who have only carnal and earthly eyes ; for they do not know how to appreciate and esteem a gift and blessing of such incomparable value.


Consider, my dearest, what the world was without faith and what it would be today if my Son and Lord would not preserve faith. How many men whom the world has celebrated as great, powerful and wise have precipitated themselves, on account of the want of light of faith, from the darkness of their unbelief into most abominable sins, and thence into the eternal darkness of hell !


How many kingdoms and provinces, being blind themselves, follow these still more blind leaders until they together fall into the abyss of eternal pains! And they are followed by the bad Christians, who having received the grace and blessing of faith, live as if they had it not in their hearts.


504. Do not forget, my dear friend, to be thankful for this precious jewel which the Lord has given thee as a dower and a wedding gift of thy espousal with Him; in order to draw thee to the bridal chamber of his holy Church and afterwards to have intercourse with Him in the eternal beatitude. Continually exercise this virtue of faith, for it places thee near to thy last end, after which thou strivest, and brings thee near to the object of thy desires and thy love.

504. 不要忘记,我亲爱的朋友,感谢主赐给你的这颗珍宝信德,作为你的嫁妆和你的净配的结婚礼物;为了吸引你到祂的圣教会的新房,然后在永恒的真福中与祂共融。不断地操练这种信德,因为信德使你接近你的最后目标,在你为此而努力后,信德使你接近你的渴望和爱的对象——天主。

Faith teaches the sure way of eternal salvation, faith is the light that shines in the darkness of this mortal life and pilgrimage; it leads men securely to the possession of the fatherland to which they are wayfaring, if they do not allow it to die out by infidelity and sinfulness. Faith enlivens the other virtues and serves as a nourishment of the just man and a support in his labors.


Faith confounds and fills with fear the infidels and the lax Christians in their negligence; for it convinces them in this world of their sin and threatens punishment in the life to come. Faith is powerful to do all things, for nothing is impossible to the believer; faith makes all things attainable and possible.


Faith illumines and ennobles the understanding of man, since it directs him in the darkness of his natural ignorance, not to stray from the way, and it elevates him above himself so that he sees and understands with infallible certainty what is far above his powers and assures him of it no less than if he saw it clearly before him.


He is thus freed from the gross and vile narrow-mindedness of those who will believe only what they can experience by their own limited natural powers, not considering that the soul, as long as it lives in the prison of this corruptible body, is very much circumscribed and limited in its sphere of action by the knowledge drawn from the coarse activity of the senses. Appreciate, therefore, my daughter, this priceless treasure of the Catholic faith given thee by God, watch over it and practice it in great esteem and reverence.



上一篇:035天主的奥秘之城第一册第2卷第5章 至圣玛利亚在修行圣德方面的完美
下一篇:037天主的奥秘之城第一册第2卷第7章 关于望德,以及圣母是如何操练它的


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