天主的奥秘之城 第一册(胡文浩 紫微雷塔小德兰译 杨开勇校阅)列表
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THE first Pope officially to take notice of “Ciudad de Dios” was Pope Innocent XI, who, on July 3, 1686, in response to a series of virulent attacksand machinations of some members of the Sorbonne, known to be Jansenists, issued a breve permitting the publication and reading of the “Ciudad de Dios.”




Similar decrees were afterward issued by Popes Alexander VIII, Clement IX and Benedict XIII.




These decrees were followed by two decrees of the Congregation of Rites, approved by Benedict XIV and Clement XIV, in which the authenticity of “Ciudad de Dios” as extant and written by the Venerable Servant of God, Mary of Jesus, is officially established.




The great pope Benedict XIII, when he was archbishop of Benevent, used these revelations as material for a series of sermons on the Blessed Virgin.




On Sept. 26, 1713, the bishop of Ceneda, Italy, objecting to the publication of the “City of God,” was peremptorily ordered by the Holy Office to withdraw his objections as interfering with the decree of pope Innocent XI for the universal Church.




The process of canonization of Mary of Agreda was promoted by the Spanish bishops and other eminent men of the Church soon after her death in 1666.




It has resulted so far in securing her the title of Venerabilis, thus clearing the way to her beatification, for which, let us hope, God will soon raise a promoter among the many pious and eminent men who hold in esteem her writings and have learned of her holy life and of the miracles wrought at her tomb.




The Redemptorist Fathers published a new German translation in 1885, which was approved and highly recommended by the Bishop of Ratisbon in the following terms:




“We take pleasure in giving our episcopal approbation to the annotated translation of the Spanish original “Ciudad de Dios” of Mary of Jesus and recommend this book, which will surely edify all readers and be the occasion, of great spiritual blessings.”





Ratisbon, September 29, 1885.



Ignatius, Bishop of Ratisbon.







Notable is the high recommendation of the Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg, Apost. Legate, Primate of Germany, etc.




“According to the decrees of Pope Innocent XI and Clement XI the book known as ‘Ciudad de Dios’ written by the Venerable Servant of God, Maria de Jesus, may be read by all the faithful.”




“A number of episcopal approbations, the recommendations of four renowned universities, namely, of Toulouse, Salamanca, Alcala and Louvain, and of prominent members of different orders, coincide in extolling the above-named work.




The learned and pious Cardinal D’Aguirre says that he considers all the studies of fifty years of his previous life as of small consequence in comparison with the doctrines he found in this book, which in all things are in harmony with the Holy Scriptures, the Holy Fathers and Councils of the Church. The Venerable Superior-General of St. Sulpice, Abbe Emery, adds: “Only since I read the revelations of Mary of Agreda do I properly know Jesus and his Holy Mother.”




“We therefore do not hesitate—in granting our episcopal approbation to—“Ciudad de Dios”—and wish to recommend it to the faithful and especially to our clergy.”





Franz Albert, Archbishop.

弗朗兹 阿尔伯特总主教


Archiepiscopal Chancery, Salzburg.



September 12, 1885.







A more recent official approbation of “Ciudad de Dios” is from the Bishop of Tarazona, prefacing the new edition of 1911-1912.




“We, Dr. James Ozoidi y Udave, by the grace of God and of the Apostolic See, Bishop of Tarazona, Administrator Apostolic of the Diocese of Tudela, etc., etc.




Having charged the priest Don Eduardo Royo, chaplain and confessor at the convent of the Immaculate Conception of Agreda, carefully and exactly to compare the manuscript which is to serve as copy for the printing of the new edition of the “City of God” now about to be published by the religious of the above-named convent, with the authenticated autograph manuscript of that work there preserved,—and having ascertained by a personal revision of a great part of the manuscript that the said priest has diligently and faithfully fulfilled this charge imposed upon him by us:




We now therefore certify that this present edition of ‘Ciudad de Dios'with the exception of a few mere orthographic modifications, is entirely conformable to the autograph of that work as composed and written by the Venerable Mother Mary of Jesus of Agreda.




Tarazona, April 7, 1911.



James, Bishop of Tarazona.






Finally follows the official approbation of the Right Reverend Bishop of the Fort Wayne Diocese, where this English translation is published.





Rome City, Ind., Aug. 24, 1912.


The Rev. George J. Blatter,




Dear Rev. Father:—



My Imprimatur is herewith granted to your English translation of the work entitled ‘Ciudad de Dios? Wishing you every blessing, I remain,



Devotedly in Domino,



H. J. ALERDINH, Bishop of Fort Wayne.








The author has made use of capital letters in the text slightly at variance with common usage, in order to avoid complication and secure greater clearness.



The paragraph numbers are those of the newest Spanish edition of “Ciudad de Dios” in 1912. In the abridgment they vary slightly.














1.  When I was ready to present before the throne of God the insignificant results of my labors in writing the first part of the most holy life of Mary, the Mother of God, I wished to subject it to the scrutiny and correction of the divine light, by which I had been guided in my shortcomings.


1. 当我准备在天主的宝座前展示圣母玛利亚最神圣生命的第一部分,那是我微不足道的劳动成果,我希望让它接受神圣之光的审查和纠正,这是引导我改正缺点的光。


I was very anxious to be consoled by the renewed assurance, and benign approval of the Most High, and to know, whether He wished me to continue or to abandon this work, which is so far above my lowliness.




The Lord responded saying: “Thou hast written well, and according to our pleasure; but We desire thee to understand, that in order to manifest the mysteries and most high sacraments of the rest of the life of our only and chosen Spouse, Mother of our Onlybegotten, thou hast need of a new and more exalted preparation.




It is our wish that thou die to all that is imperfect and visible, and that thou live according to the spirit; that thou renounce all the occupations and habits of an earthly creature and assume instead those of an angel, striving to attain in them a still greater purity and an entire conformity with what thou art to understand and write.”




2.In this answer of the Most High I understood, that such a high perfection of life and habits and such an unwonted exercise of virtues was proposed and required of me, that, full of diffidence, I became disturbed and fearful of undertaking a work so arduous and difficult for an earthly creature.


2. 在至高天主的回答中,我明白了,如此成全的生活和习性,如此不寻常的美德操练,是向我提出和要求的,因此,我充满了羞怯,忐忑不安,害怕承担对一个世俗的人来说如此艰巨和困难的工作。


I felt within myself great repugnance rising up in the flesh against the spirit.




The spirit called me with interior force, urging me to strive after the disposition, which was required of me, and advancing as argument the pleasure of the Lord and the benefits accruing to myself.




On the other hand the law of sin (Rom. 7, 23), which I felt in my members, opposed the divine promptings and discouraged me by the fear of my own inconstancy.






I felt a great distaste, which deterred me and a great pusillanimity which filled me with fear. In this excitement I began to believe, that I was not capable of treating about such high things, especially as they were so foreign to the condition and estate of a woman.





3.    Overcome by fears and difficulties, I resolved not to continue this work, and to use all possible means to adhere to this determination.


3. 我克服了恐惧和困难,决心不再继续这项工作,并用一切可能的手段坚持这一决心。


The common enemy knew my fear and cowardice, and, as his utmost cruelty is more aroused against the weak and disheartened, he made use of this very disposition to attack me with incredible fury.




It seemed to him, that I was left without help in his hands. In order to conceal his malice, he sought to transform himself into an angel of light, pretending to be very solicitous for my soul and for my welfare.




Under this false pretext he perfidiously deluged me with his suggestions and doubts; he represented to me the danger of damnation and frightened me with punishments similar to those of the chief of the angels (Is. 14, 12), since I had sought in my pride to comprehend, what was above my powers and in opposition to God himself.



[经文〈依撒意亚 14:12〉:朝霞的儿子──晨星!你怎会从天坠下?倾覆万邦者!你怎么也被砍倒在地?]


4.    He pointed out to me many souls, who, professing virtue, were deceived by some secret presumption and by yielding to the insinuations of the devil; and he made me believe, that in so far as I sought to scrutinize the secrets of the divine Majesty (Prov. 25, 27), I could not but be guilty of pride and presumption, thus being already judged.


4. 牠向我指出,许多人自称有美德,却被某种隐秘的傲慢所欺骗,并屈从于魔鬼的暗示。牠使我相信,当我试图窥探荣耀尊威的天主的秘密时(箴言2527),我不能不为自己的傲慢和狂妄而感到内疚,因为我已经受到了审判。





He urged very strongly, that the present times were ill suited for such matters and sought to confirm his assertion by what happened to some well known persons, who were found to labor under deceit and error.




He reminded me of the dread of the spiritual life in others; how great would be the discredit, which would arise by any mistake of mine and what evil effect it would have on those of little piety; all this I would know by experience and to my regret, if I persisted in writing about this matter.




And as it is true evidently, that all the opposition to the spiritual life and the small esteem in which the mystic virtues are held, is caused by that mortal enemy, so, for the purpose of doing away with Christian devotion and piety in many souls, he succeeds in deceiving some and in sowing the cockle among the good seed of the Lord (Matth. 13, 25).


显然,所有对灵性生活的反对和对奥秘美德的轻视,都是由那个死敌引起的,因此,为了在许多灵魂中消除基督徒的虔诚和孝爱,牠成功地欺骗了一些人,并在主的好种子中播下了莠子(玛窦福音 13:25)


[经文〈玛窦福音 13:25〉:但在人睡觉的时候,他的仇人来,在麦子中间撒上莠子,就走了。 (玛窦福音 13:25)


Thus he causes confusion and obscures the true sentiment concerning it, making it more difficult to distinguish the darkness from the light.




I am not surprised to see him succeed therein, as the true discernment is the special work of God and of those, who participate in his true wisdom, and do not govern themselves only by earthly insight.




5.    It is not easy during this mortal life to discern true prudence from the false; for often also the good intention and zeal warp the human judgment, when counsel and light from on high are wanting.


5. 在这凡人的一生中,辨别真实的明智和虚假的明智是不容易的;因为当缺少来自上天的劝谕和光照时,善意和热情也常常扭曲人类的判断。


I had occasion to learn this in the execution of that which I am about to undertake: for some persons, well known as devout, not only those who loved me on account of their piety and desired my welfare, but also those who were less loving and considerate: all alike at one time wished to deter me from this undertaking, and also from the path, which I was going, as if I was proceeding upon it by my own choice.




Their fear of drawing discredit or confusion upon those who were striving after piety with me, or upon religion or my neighbors, and especially upon the convent in which I lived, caused them anxiety and to me, affliction.




I was much enamoured by the security, which the ordinary paths of the other nuns seemed to offer; I acknowledge, that this suited more my own insight and my inclination and desires, and was urged upon me still more by my timidity and my great fears.




6.    Cast about upon these impetuous waves, my heart sought to reach the port of obedience in order to reassure me in the bitter sea of my confusion.


6. 在汹涌的波浪中,我的心试图到达顺从的港口,以便在痛苦的混乱的海洋中让我安心。


To add to my tribulation, it began to be rumored about in our order, that my spiritual father and superior, who had for many years directed my soul and who well understood my interior trials, who moreover had commanded me to write the preceding part of this history, who would most likely encourage, quiet, and console me, was suggested for removal to a higher office.




The suggestion was not acted upon, but it occasioned his absence for many days, and the dragon took advantage of all this in order to pour out against me the furious river of his wrath (Apoc. 12, 15).


这个建议没有被付诸行动,但却导致长上离开了多日,而巨龙利用这一切,向我倾泻了牠愤怒的河水。(默示录 12:15)


[经文〈默示录 12:15〉:那蛇遂在女人后面,从自己的口中吐出一道像河的水,为使那女人被河水冲去; ]


Thus, though in vain, he exerted all his malice, on this occasion and others, to entice me from obedience and deprive me of the guidance of my superior and master.




7.    In addition to all the contradictions and temptations already mentioned, and many others not possible to describe, the demon sought to deprive me of my health, causing many aches, indispositions and disorders of the whole body.


7. 除了前面提到的以及许多无法描述的所有矛盾和诱惑,恶魔试图剥夺我的健康,造成整个身体的许多疼痛、不适和紊乱。


He harassed me with insurmountable sadness and conflicting thoughts; he seemed to confuse my understanding, hinder correct thinking, weaken my will power, and sift me in body and soul.



And it happened that in the midst of this confusion I committed some faults, which were serious enough in me, although they were committed not so much in malice as from human fraility.




Nevertheless the serpent sought to use them for my destruction more than any other means; for thus having interrupted the flow of good works, his fury was let loose to cause still greater faults in this embarrassment by inveigling me to exaggerate my guilt.




To this he drove me by impious and most insidious suggestions, seeking to persuade me, that all that I had experienced in the path which I had trodden, was false and erroneous.




8.    As these insinuations, on account of the faults committed and on account of my continual consternation and fears, began to appear plausible, I resisted them less than others; and it was only through the special mercies of the Lord, that I did not fall entirely from all belief and hope in a remedy.


8. 由于这些含沙射影的暗示,由于所犯的错误和我不断的惊恐和畏惧,这些暗示开始显得貌似有理,我比其他人更少抵制它们;只有通过主的特别的怜悯,我才没有完全放弃信仰和盼望。


But I found myself so entangled in difficulties and surrounded by darkness, that I may say, the groanings of death encompassed me and the sorrows of hell engulfed me (Ps. 17, 5) inspiring me with dread of extreme peril.






I resolved to burn the manuscripts of the first part of this divine history and to desist from writing the second. The angel of satan, who inspired me with this resolution, induced me also to withdraw myself from the whole undertaking: to put an end to the pursuit of the spiritual life, to neglect my interior life, and not to communicate about it with any one.




Thus would I be able to do penance for my sins, appease the Lord, propitiate Him, and retain his friendship.




In order to make sure of the effects of his concealed malice he proposed, that I make a vow not to write any more on account of the danger of being deceived and of deceiving; but that instead, I amend my life, retrench my imperfections and embrace penance.




9.    With this masque of seeming virtue the dragon pretended to establish his damnable counsels and cover himself with the skin of a sheep, while in reality he acted as a bloodthirsty and devouring wolf.


9. 龙装出一副美德的样子,假装制定牠那可恶的计划,用羊皮把自己盖住,而实际上牠是一只嗜血的狼。


He persevered for some time in this attack and all alone I remained for fifteen days in a night of darkness, without relief or consolation either human or divine: without the former, because I was without the help and the counsel of obedience, and without the latter, because the Lord had interrupted the flow of his favors, his enlightenments and continual inspiration.




Above all was I distressed by despair of salvation and in it, the persuasion, that death and the danger of my eternal damnation was approaching; all this was instigated and fostered in me by the enemy.



,10.       But as the aftertastes of his temptations are so bitter and end but in despair, the very disturbance, by which he upset the whole republic of my powers and acquired habits, made me more wary of fulfilling anything which he urged on me and proposed to me.

10. 但是,由于仇敌诱惑的余味是如此苦涩,并在绝望中结束,这正是牠扰乱我整个的力量和养成的习惯,使我更加警惕,不愿完成牠催促我和向我提议的一切。


He availed himself of the continual fear, which tormented me with the dread of offending God and of losing his friendship and when, in my doubts, I applied myself to works of piety, he sought to draw me away.



This very fear however made me hesitate at what the astute dragon had tried to convince me of and in this uncertainty I deferred giving assent to it.




My high regard for obedience also, by which I had been ordered to write, and the contrariness of that which I felt in my interior, helped me to resist and to recoil at his suggestions.




Above all the assistance of the Most High defended me and permitted not the beasts to snatch my soul, which amid sighs and groans confessed Him.




I cannot describe in words the temptations, combats, troubles, dismays and afflictions, which I suffered in this battle: for I saw myself placed in such a state, that in my judgment there was really no greater difference between my condition and that of the damned, except that in hell there is no redemption, while in mine it was still possible.




11. One day, in order to get some respite, I cried out from the bottom of my heart saying: “O woe is me, that I have come to such a state! and woe to my soul, which finds itself therein! Whither shall I turn, since all the portals of my salvation are closed?”


11. 有一天,我为了得到一点喘息的机会,从心底里喊了一声:「啊,我有祸了,竟落得这样的下场我的灵魂在其中,有祸了既然所有拯救我的大门都关闭了,我该往哪里去呢?」


Immediately a strong and sweet voice gave answer within myself: “Whither dost thou wish to go outside of God himself?”






By this answer I perceived that my cure was at hand in the Lord, and at the breaking of this dawn I began to raise myself from the depth of the confusion, into which I was cast, and I felt, a powerful increase in the fervor of my desires and in the acts of faith, hope and charity.




I debased myself in the presence of the Most High and, in firm confidence in his goodness, I wept over my faults with bitter sorrow. I confessed them many times and sighing from the depth of heart, I began to seek again the former light and truth.




And as the divine Wisdom comes forth to meet those by whom it is invoked (Wis. 6, 17), it advanced toward me in delight and cleared away the night of my confusion and tormenting afflictions.




[经文〈智慧篇 6:17〉:因为,智慧到处寻找配得上自己的人,她在路上亲切地把自己显示出来,很关心地迎接他们。


12. Presently that bright day broke, which I had desired so much; the quiet possession of peace returned; I enjoyed the sweet love and vision of my Lord and Master, and with it I again perceived, why I should believe, accept and esteem the benefits and favors, which his mighty arm wrought in me.

12. 不久,我渴望已久的那个明媚的日子来到了;我的心灵又恢复了和平和宁静;我享受着我的上主和师傅的甜蜜的爱和神视,我再次意识到为什么我应该相信、接受和尊重祂强大的臂膀在我身上给我带来的益处和恩惠。


I gave Him thanks as far as was in my power; and I saw, who I was and who God is; that a creature by itself can do nothing, that it is nothing, because sin is nothing.




I saw also what man can do when raised up and assisted up by the divine right hand, being much more than can be imagined by our earthly faculites.



Humbled in the perception of these truths and in the presence of the inaccessible light, (which is vast and strong, without deceit or falsehood), my heart flowed over in sweet affections of love, praise and thanksgiving.




For now I understood, that He had guarded and defended me, so that in the confused night of temptations my lamp might not be extinguished (Prov. 31, 18); and in the depth of my gratitude I annihilated myself to the dust and humiliated myself as a worm of the earth.




[经文〈箴言 31:18〉:她发觉自己经营生利,她的灯盏夜间仍不熄灭。


13. To make this benefit more certain, I immediately heard an interior exhortation, without knowing clearly from whence it proceeded; while it severely reprehended me for my disloyalty and my wrongful ways, it at the same time admonished and enlightened, instructed and corrected me.


13. 为了使这一恩惠更加确定,我立刻听到了内心的一声劝诫,虽然不知道是从哪里来的。它严厉地谴责我的不忠和错误的做法,同时也告诫我,开导我,教导我,纠正我。


It furnished me with a deep understanding of good and evil, of virtue and vice, of what was secure, useful and beneficial, as well as their contraries; it laid open to me the way of eternity, gave me a knowledge of the means and of the end, of the value of life everlasting, and of the miserable unhappiness and the so little considered ruin of endless perdition.





14. In the profound knowledge of these two extremes, I confess that I was dumbfounded and cast about between the fear of my dreadful infirmity and the desire of reaching the happiness, of which I was unworthy on account of my demerits.


14. 在对这两个极端的深刻认识中,我承认我目瞪口呆,不知所措,一方面害怕自己可怕的软弱,另一方面又渴望获得幸福,但因为我的罪债,我不配获得幸福。


I was full of the thought of the kindness and mercy of the Most High; and the fear of losing Him: I beheld the two different ends awaiting the creatures: eternal glory and eternal misery; and it seemed a small matter to me to suffer all the pains and the torments of the world, of purgatory and hell itself, in order to attain to the one and to avoid the other.




And although I perceived, that the divine help is assured to those who seek to make use of it, yet as I also saw by this light, that life and death are in our hands (Eccli. 15, 18), and that our weakness or malice may prevent the proper use of grace, and that the tree will lie for all eternity as it once has fallen (Eccles. 11, 3), on this account I was overcome by the deepest sorrow, which penetrated my heart.




[经文〈德训篇1518〉:生死善恶,都在人面前;人愿意那样,就赐给他那样。 经文〈训道篇113〉:云一满了,雨即倾注于地。树倒向南或倒向北,一倒在哪里,就躺在哪里。


15. This sorrow was increased by a most severe answer or inquiry, which came from the Lord.


15. 从上主而来的最严厉的回答或询问增加了这种悲伤。


For while I found myself thus annihilated in the consciousness of my weakness and danger and by the thought of having offended his justice, so that I dared not raise my eyes toward Him, He met my speechless sorrow by the advances of his mercy, saying to me in answer to them: “Which dost thou wish, my soul? Which dost thou seek ? Which of these ways wilt thou choose ? What is thy resolve ?”




This question was an arrow to my heart: for although I knew for certain, that the Lord knew my desires better than I myself, the delay between the question and the answer was incredibly painful to me; I wished, if possible, that the Lord should anticipate my answer and should not show Himself ignorant of the response, which I would give.




But, impelled by great emotion, I made response in words coming from the innermost of soul, and said; “Lord and omnipotent God!




The path of virtue, the way of eternal life do I chose, this do I desire, and in this do Thou place me; and as I do not merit it in thy justice, I appeal to they mercy, and I offer for myself the infinite merits of thy most holy Son and my Redeemer, Jesus Christ.”




16. I was made aware, that this highest Judge remembered the promise, which is given to the Church, that He would grant all that is asked in the name of his Onlybegotten (John 16, 23), that in Him and on his account my petition was granted and its fulfillment hastened according to my poor wishes.





Certain conditions were made and proposed to me by an intellectual voice, saying to me interiorly: “Soul, created by the hand of the Almighty, if thou wishest, as one of the elect, to follow in the path of the true light and attain the position of a most chaste spouse of the Lord, who calls thee, it is befitting, that thou observe the laws and precepts of love.




The first thing required of thee is, that thou reject entirely all earthly inclinations, renouncing all and every affection toward the transient things, so that thou have no love or affection toward any created being, no matter how useful, beautiful or agreeable it may appear to thee.



Cherish no created image, harbor no earthly affection; let thy will rest in no created object, except in so far as thy Lord and Spouse shall command thee for the wellordering of thy love, or in so far as thou canst be aided thereby to love Him alone.”



17. “And when, after thus reaching this perfect abnegation and renunciation of thyself, thou shalt have freed and disentangled thyself from all earthly things, seek the Lord, raising thyself with the swift wings of the dove toward the high habitation, in which He, in his condescension, wishes to place thy spirit; so that there thou mayest live in his presence and have a secure dwelling-place.


17. 当你达到这种完全的克己和弃绝之后,你将从所有尘世的事物中解脱出来,寻求上主,用鸽子迅捷的翅膀飞向高处的居所,在上主的屈尊之下,祂愿意把你的灵魂安置在那里;使你可以住在祂面前,有安稳的居所。


This great Lord is a most jealous Spouse and his love and emulation are strong as death (Cant. 8, 7). He wishes to adorn thee and set thee in a secure place, in order that thou mayest not issue from it, or leave his presence for another, where thou findst Him not or enjoyest not his caresses.




[经文〈雅歌 8:7〉:请将我有如印玺,放在你的心上,有如印玺,放在你肩上,因为爱情猛如死亡,妒爱顽如阴府:它的焰是火焰,是上主的火焰。



He, with whom thou art to converse without mistrust, wishes to sign thee with his own hand, and this is a most equitable law, which the spouses of the great King must observe; for even those in the world observe it, in order to show their faithfulness.




It is due to the nobility of thy Spouse, that thou observe a behavior corresponding to the dignity and position conferred by Him, without descending to anything not befitting this estate or making thee unworthy of the adornment lavished upon thee for entrance into his bridal chamber.”




18. “Next I require of thee, that thou despoil thyself with diligence of the vestments torn by thy faults and imperfections, soiled by the effects of sin, and made odious by the inclinations of nature.


18. 其次,我要求你,用勤奋的努力夺回你领洗时穿的白衣,把被你的错误和不成全,被罪恶的影响所玷污,因本性的倾向而令人憎恶的撕裂的白衣夺回。


His Majesty wishes to wash off the stains, to purify and renew thee with his beauty, but under condition, that thou never lose sight of the poor and despicable vestments of which thou hast been divested, so that in the memory and knowledge of this benefit, thou mayest spread the odor of sweetness for this great King by the nard of thy humility (Cant. 1, 11), and so that thou mayest never forget the return, which thou owest to the Author of thy salvation.






Thus will He, by the precious balsam of his blood, purify thee, heal thy wounds and enlighten thee copiously.”




19. “In addition to all this” (this voice continued to say) “in order that thus forgetting all earthly things thou mayest be coveted by the highest King, seek to adorn thyself with the jewels, which He in his pleasure has prepared for thee.


19. 除此之外,(这个声音继续说) 「为了忘掉尘世的一切,让至高的君王渴望,你应该用他乐意为你准备的珠宝来装饰自己。


The vestments, which shall cover thee, are to be whiter than the snow, more brilliant than the diamond, more resplendent than the sun and yet they will be at the same time so delicate, that they will easily be spoiled by any negligence, making thee abominable in the sight of thy Spouse.



But if thou preserve them inthe purity which He desires, thy steps will be beautiful as the Prince’s daughter (Cant. 7, 1), and his Majesty will be pleased with thy sentiments and thy words. As a cincture of thy vestment He will give thee the knowledge of his divine power and his holy fear, in order that, having bound thy inclinations, thou mayest direct thyself by his pleasure.




[经文〈雅歌 7:1-2〉:归来,归来!叔拉米特!归来,归来!让我们看看你!你们要看叔拉米特什么?看她在两队中舞蹈。公主!你的脚穿上凉鞋,是多么美丽!


The jewels of thy necklace, which adorn thy neck, signifying thy humble submission, shall be the costly stones of faith, hope and charity.




As a clasp for thy hair (which are the high and exalted thoughts and thy heavenly intelligences), thou wilt have from Him the infused science and wisdom, and the embroideries of thy vestments shall be all the beauty and richness of the virtues.



Thy diligence in performing what is most perfect shall serve thee as sandals, and they laces shall be the avoidance and restraints, that thou wilt use in order to keep from evil.


The rings, which will beautify thy fingers, shall be the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost; and the beauty of thy face shall be the participation of the Divinity, which on account of his holy love, shall shine therefrom.

这订婚的戒指是圣神的七恩,可以使你的手所做的工更加美丽。 你脸的美好将是天主性的参与,因为祂神圣的爱,将从你脸上闪耀。


Thereto thou shalt add the coloring of confusion for having offended Him, in order that it may make thee ashamed of offending Him in the future, comparing at the same time the coarse and sordid habits of the past with those that now adorn thee.”




20. “And because thy own merits would make but a poor and miserable return for such a high espousal, the Most High wishes to ratify this contract by singling out, as if for thee alone, the infinite merits of thy Spouse Jesus Christ, and He makes thee a partaker of all his possessions and treasures in the heavens and upon earth. For all belongs to this supreme Lord, and of all this thou shalt be mistress as his spouse for thy own use and for the greater love of Him.


20. 因为你自己的功德对于这样一个崇高的婚礼来说只能得到一个可怜而糟糕的回报,至高者的愿望是通过挑选出你的净配耶稣基督的无限功德来认可这份契约,就好像是单独为你而存在一样,祂使你成为祂在天上和地上的所有的财产和财宝的分享者。因为一切都属于至高无上的上主,而你将成为这一切的女主人,作为祂的净配,为你自己所用,也为了对祂更大的爱。


But remember, soul, that in order to obtain such a gift, thou must hide all this within thyself, without ever losing thy secret; for I warn thee of the danger of soiling thy beauty with the least imperfection; but if at any time thou committest such an imperfection out of weakness, rise from it at once, like a strong one, and acknowledging it, weep over the small fault as if it had been the most grievous.”




21. “And in order that thou mayest have a dwelling-place and habitation befitting such a great estate, thy Spouse does not wish to set thee any limit, but it is his pleasure, that thou dwell in the infinite regions of his Divinity and that thou roam about and disport thyself through the illimitable fields of his attributes and perfections, where the view of the intellect is without restraint, where the will is delighted without shadow of misgiving, and where the inclinations are satiated without bitterness.

21. 为了让你有一个适合这样一个伟大产业的栖身之所,你的净配不希望给你设定任何限制,但他乐意让你住在他神性的无限领域里,你在祂的属性和成全的无限领域中漫步和无拘无束的玩耍,在那里智力的观点是不受限制,在那里意志是愉快的,没有阴影;在那里,意愿得到满足,没有痛苦。


This is the paradise always delightful, where the most beloved brides of Christ find their recreation, where they gather the fragrant flowers and myrrh, and where the infinite is found for those that have renounced the imperfect nothing.


There will thy habitation be secure; and in order that thy intercourse and companionship may be in correspondence with it, I desire that thou converse with the angels, holding them as friends and companions, and copying from them, during their frequent conversations and intercourse with thee, their virtues by faithful imitation.”




22. “Take notice” (continued the voice) “O soul, of the greatness of this benefit; for the Mother of thy Spouse and the Queen of heaven adopts thee anew for her daughter, receives thee as her disciple, and assumes the place of a Mother and of a Teacher toward thee.


22. 请注意」(那声音继续说)「啊,灵魂,请注意这恩惠的伟大;因为你净配的母亲和天堂的元后重新接纳你为她的女儿,接受你为她的门徒,并委予你嬷嬷和教师的位置。


Through her intercession dost thou receive those special favors and they are all granted to thee that thou mayest write her most holy life. On this account thou hast been pardoned without thy merit, and that, which otherwise thou wouldst not have reached, has been conceded to thee.




What would become of thee, O soul, if it were not for the Mother of mercy?




Thou wouldst already have perished, if her intercession had failed thee; poor and useless would have been thy works, if, by divine condescension, thou hadst not been selected to write this history, but the eternal Father chose thee for his daughter, in view of this work, and for a spouse of his Onlybe-gotten Son; and the Son received thee to his close embraces, and the Holy Spirit selected thee for his enlightenments.




The document of this contract and espousal is written and imprinted on the white parchment of the purity of most holy Mary: there the finger and the power of the Most High have written it; the ink is the blood of the Lamb; the executor is the eternal Father; the tie which binds thee to Christ is the Holy Spirit; the bondsmen are the merits of the same Jesus Christ and of his Mother; for thou art but a vile worm, having nothing to offer and being expected to give merely thy free consent.”




23. So far the admonishing voice, which I heard. Although I judged it to be that of an angel, yet whether such it was, I could not ascertain clearly, for I did not perceive it in the same way as at other times. Such manifestations and disclosures accommodate themselves to the dispositions of the soul at the time of their reception, as for instance it happened to the disciples at Emmaus (Luke 24, 16).

23. 到目前为止,我听到训诫的声音。虽然我判断这是一个天使,但是否如此,我不能确定清楚,因为所察觉和前几次不一样。但这样的显示和揭露适合人灵在接受时的安排,例如在厄玛乌的门徒们就遇到了这种情况路加福音2416) 



Many other experiences I had in order to overcome the opposition of the serpent against the writing of this history, but it would draw out this introduction too much to mention them now.




I continued my prayers for some days, asking the Lord to govern and direct me in order not to make a mistake, and representing to Him my incapacity and timidity.




His Majesty persisted in exhorting me to ordain my life toward all purity and the greatest perfection, and in urging me to continue in it after having begun.




And especially the Queen of the angels intimated to me her will many times, and with great sweetness and tenderness commanded me to obey Her as her daughter and write her most holy life, which I had commenced.




24. To all this I wished to add the security of obedience. Without saying anything of that, which I had heard from the Lord and from his most holy Mother, I asked my confessor and superior what he would direct me to do in this matter. He answered by commanding me under obedience to continue and to write the second part of this history. Finding myself thus compelled both by the Lord and by obedience, I returned again to the presence of the Most High, where I found myself one day in prayer, and, renouncing my whole self and recognizing my insignificance and liability to err, I prostrated myself before his Majesty and said: “My Lord, my Lord, what wishest Thou to do with me?” Whereupon I received the following intelligence.


24. 除此之外,我还加上我服从的保证。我从上主和祂至圣的母亲那里听到了这些话,但我没有加添自已的话。我问我的告解神父和长上,他会在这件事上指导我做些什么。他的回答是命令我顺从地继续写这段历史的第二部分。我发现自己被上主和服从所驱使,我再次回到至高天主的面前,一天我发现自己在祈祷中,我舍弃了我的整个自我,我认识到我的渺小和易于跌倒,我拜倒在荣耀尊威的天主面前,说:「我的上主,我的上主,你希望我做什么?」于是我收到了以下信息。


25. It seemed to me, that the divine light of the blessed Trinity showed me my own self full of poverty and defects, and severely reprehending me for them, furnished me at the same time with the highest doctrine and salutary directions for a perfect life, and for this purpose God purified and enlightened me anew.


25. 在我看来,天主圣三的神圣之光让我看到了我自已的贫乏和缺陷,并严厉地责备我,同时为我提供了通往成全生活的最高教导和有益的方向,为此,天主洁净了我,重新启迪了我。


I became aware that the Mother of grace, most holy Mary, standing before the throne of the Divinity, was interceding and pleading for me. With such assistance my confidence took new life and profiting by the clemency of such a Mother, I addressed myself to Her and spoke to Her only these words: “My Lady and my Refuge, consider, as a true Mother, the poverty of thy slave.”




It seemed to me as if She heard my prayer and speaking with the Most High, She said: “My Lord, I wish to receive this useless and poor creature anew as a daughter and adopt her as my own.” (Truly this was the act of a most liberal and mighty Queen!) But the Most High answered: “My Spouse, for such a great favor as this, what does this soul bring in return ? She does not deserve it, being a useless and destitute worm, and thankless for our gifts.”




26. O wonderful power of the divine word! How shall I describe the effects produced in me by this answer of the Allpowerful? I humbled myself to the depth of my nothingness and I was filled with the knowledge of the misery of creatures and of my own ingratitude toward God.


26. 哦,上主话语的奇妙力量!我该如何描述全能者的回答对我产生的影响?我把自己谦卑到虚无的深处,我对众生的苦难和我对天主的忘恩充满了了解。


My heart sank within me in sorrow for my sins and in the desire of obtaining the unmerited happiness of being the child of that Sovereign. I raised my eyes full of dread to the throne of the Most High and my visage was transported in fear and hope; I turned toward my Advocate, and desiring to be admitted as her slave, since I did not merit the title of daughter, I spoke from the bottom of my heart without forming any words; and I heard the great Lady say to the Lord:



27. “Divine Lord and my God, it is true, this poor creature has nothing to offer to thy justice, but I offer for her the merits and the blood, which my most holy Son poured out for her and with it I present also the dignity of Mother of thy onlybegotten Son, which I received from thy ineffable kindness, all the works, which I performed in thy service in having borne Him in my womb, and nourished Him with the milk of my breast, and above all I offer Thee thy own bounty and Divinity; I earnestly entreat Thee to consider this creature as my adopted daughter and disciple for whom I will stand security. Under my guidance She will amend her faults and perform her works according to thy pleasure.”


27. 神圣的上主,我的天主,这是真的,这可怜的人没有什么可以奉献给祢的正义,但我为她献上我最神圣的儿子和宝血,这是我的圣子为她倾注的,与此同时我也奉上你独生子之母的尊严,这是我从祢那不可言喻的良善中得到的,是我在腹中孕育他时,为服务你而完成的工作并以我的乳汁喂养祂,而最重要的是,我把你自己的慷慨和天主性献给祢;我诚挚地请求祢将这个人视为我的养女和弟子,我将为她担保。在我的指导下,她会改正她的错误,并按照你的喜悦完成她的工作。


28. The Most High, (may He be eternally praised for hearing the petition of the great Queen interceding for the least of his creatures), yielded to these prayers, and immediately in the joy of my soul I felt immense effects, such as are impossible to describe; with my whole heart I turned toward all the creatures of heaven and earth, and, not being able to contain my exultation, I invited them to exalt for me and with me the Author of grace.


28. 至高天主愿祂永受赞颂,因为祂听了伟大的元后为祂最渺小的受造物转祷接受了这些祈祷,我顿时感到内心的喜悦,难以形容。我全心转向天地间一切的受造物,还不能止住我的喜乐,就邀请它们为我并与我一同颂扬恩宠之主


It seemed to me that I addressed them in the following words: “O ye inhabitants and courtiers of heaven and all ye living creatures, formed by the hand of the Most High, behold this marvel of his liberality and mercy and bless and exalt Him for all eternity, since He has raised from the dust the most vile of the universe and has enriched the most destitute; He has honored the most unworthy, though He is the highest God and the powerful King.



And since you, sons of Adam, here see the poorest orphan succored, the greatest sinner pardoned; issue forth from your ignorance, raise yourself from your listlessness and renew your hope; for if his powerful arm has assisted me, if He has called and forgiven me, all of you can hope for your salvation; and if you wish to assure yourselves of it, seek, seek the protection of the most holy Mary, ask Her for her intercession, and you will find Her to be the Mother of ineffable mercy and clemency.”



29. I turned also to this most exalted Queen and said to Her: “Aye, O my Lady, now I do not call myself an orphan, since I have a Mother, and a Mother, who is the Queen of all creation; I shall not any more be ignorant, since I have as Teacher the Mistress of divine wisdom,not poor, since I have as Lord Him, who is Master of all the treasures of heaven and earth; I have a Mother, who protects me; an Instructress, who teaches and corrects me; a Mistress, who commands and governs me.



Blessed art Thou amongst all women, wonderful among all creatures, admirable in heaven and on earth, and let all confess thy greatness with eternal praises.




Since it is not easy or possible for the least among creatures, the lowest worm of the earth to give Thee any return: receive it then from the divine right hand and in the divine vision, where Thou standest in the presence of God enjoying Thyself through all eternity: I shall remain thy acknowledged and bounden slave, praising the Almighty as long as my life shall last, since his liberal mercy has so favored me, as to give me my Queen as my Mother and Teacher.



Let my loving muteness praise Thee, since my tongue has not words or terms adequate for doing it; for all of them are strained and limited.”




30. It is not possible to describe what the soul feels during such mysterious favors. They were the source of great good to my soul, for immediately I was made aware of a perfection of life, and of works for which I fail to find terms.

30. 在这种奥秘的恩惠中,灵魂的感受是无法描述的。它们是我灵魂的伟大善源,因为我立刻意识到生命的完美,这种完美是我无法用自已的善工来表达的。


But all this, the Most High told me, was given to me on account of the most holy Mary and in order to write her life.




It was intimated to me, that by ratifying this blessing, the eternal Father chose me to manifest the sacraments of his Daughter; that the Holy Spirit poured out his light and inspirations that I might declare the hidden gifts of his Spouse; and that the most holy Son appointed me to manifest the mysteries of his most pure Mother Mary.




And in order that I might become capable of this work, the Holy Trinity enlightened and bathed my soul in a special light of the Divinity and the divine power touched up my faculties as with a pencil, furnishing them with new habits for the perfect execution of this work.





31. The Most High also commanded me to strive to imitate with all my heart, according to my weak powers, all that I should understand and write about the heroic virtues and the most holy operations of the heavenly Queen, guiding my life according to her example.


31. 至高者还吩咐我尽力按照自已微弱的力量,全心全意地去效法我能够理解的一切,并写下天堂元后的英勇美德和最神圣的行动,按照她的榜样来指导我的生活。


Knowing how unfit I am for the fulfillment of this obligation, the same most kind Queen offered to me anew her favor, help and instruction for all that the Lord commanded and pointed out to me.




Then I asked for the blessing of the most holy Trinity in order to begin the second part of this heavenly history.




I felt that all three persons of the Godhead conferred their blessing upon me. Issuing from the trance, I sought to wash my soul in the Sacraments and, full of contrition for my sins, in the name of the Lord and of obedience, I set myself about this work for the glory of the Most High and for his most holy Mother, the ever immaculate Virgin Mary.



32. This second part comprises the life of the Queen of the angels from the mystery of the Incarnation to the Ascension of Christ our Lord into heaven, which is the principal and the most important part of this history, for it includes the whole life and mysteries of the Lord himself with his Passion and most holy Death.




31. 这第二部分包括众天使元后的一生,从道成肉身的奥秘到我们的主基督升天,这是这段历史的主要和最重要的部分,因为这部分包括主自己的一生和奥秘,以及祂的受难和至圣之死。


I wish only to remark here, that the graces and blessings conceded to most holy Mary in preparation for the Incarnation, began to flow from the moment of her Immaculate Conception; already at that time, in the intention and the decree of God, She was the Mother of the Word.




But in the measure as the realization of the Incarnation drew nigh, the favors and gifts of grace continued to increase.



Although they seemed to be all of the same kind and nature from the beginning, yet they continued to augment and increase; and there are not terms new and varied enough to equal in their significance these increases and advances in the blessings conferred.


Thus it becomes necessary in this narrative to measure all by the infinite power of the Lord, who, giving much, retains enough to give infinitely more, while the capacity of each soul, and especially the soul of the Queen of heaven, is in its way infinite, being able to receive ever more and more.



And this happened with the soul of holy Mary, until She arrived at a summit of holiness and participation of the Divinity, to which no other creature has attained nor will ever attain in all eternity.



May the Lord himself enlighten me, that I may follow up this work according to his divine pleasure. Amen.









What the Universities of Europe, the Religious Orders and

Learned Men Say of the “Ciudad de Dios.”


FORTY years after the first appearance of the “Ciudad de Dios” the great universities of Europe were called upon to give their opinion about this great work.




All the faculties, except the Jansenistic members of the Sorbonne at Paris, published highest recommendations.




At the same time the learned men and teachers of each religious order that maintained institutions of learning in Europe, were asked to contribute their opinions.




The following religious orders complied: The Augustinians, Benedictines, Carmelites, Dominicans, Jesuits, Cistercians, Basilians, Trinitarians, Mercedarians, Minims, Hieronymites, Premonstratensians, Reformed Augustinians, Theatines, Minors of the Regular Clergy, all unanimously endorsing the favorable decision previously published by the University of Salamanca.




To the approbation of nearly all the Universities and Religious Orders, were then added the high eulogiums of other learned men, great divines, bishops and princes of the Church and of the Popes and the Roman Congregations.




As a sample of what these witnesses said concerning the wonderful “Ciudad de Dios,” we here select the official approbation of the University of Louvain, one of the great Universities of Europe.





After pointing out that God’s power of giving private revelations to whom He chooses, must not be circumscribed, and after referring to some general rules in regard to private revelations, the document proceeds to say:




“Now, while abiding the decision of the Church concerning the revelations, which are given us under the title of The City of God, we, having read the whole work, say and are of the opinion, that the faithful can read it without danger to their faith and without damage to the purity of morals; for there is not found anything within it, which could lead to relaxation or to indiscreet rigor; but on the contrary, we have come to the conclusion that it will be most useful for enlivening and augmenting the piety of the faithful, the veneration of the most holy Virgin, and the respect for the sacred mysteries.”



“The strong and the weak, the wise and the ignorant, and in fine, all the world will gather richest fruit from the reading of these books: for they contain what is most sublime in theology and in a style so simple, easy and perspicuous that, in order to enter deeply into an understanding of the holy mysteries, no more is necessary than to read them with sound judgment.”




“Combined with this simplicity are found many doctrines and valid proofs, free from contradictions and not easily found in other writings.




This History explains more than a thousand difficulties in holy Scripture, in a manner equally natural and wonderful.




At every step are encountered exquisite interpretations, until now unknown, and which had been hidden beneath the mere letter, but are laid open in these writings and brought to the light.




In short, the whole work is a beautiful web of scripture passages which, though spun from its different books, are directly and specially woven into a whole for the purpose intended by the Venerable Mother.”




“In addition thereto the instructions given by the most holy Virgin at the end of each chapter contain the purest morality, instruct, entertain, and at the same time sweetly inculcate the love of virtue and abhorrence of vice, painting them in the most vivid and natural colours.




They do not only convince the intellect, but they contain such a special unction, that they enkindle a sacred ardor in the soul.




In meditating upon them one certainly will experience a delight not met with in ordinary writings; and the more they are read the greater is the delight experienced. Finally, the whole work contains something so unwonted and attractive that, once begun, the reading of it can scarcely be relinquished.”





“The novelty and variety found in these writings delight and recreate the reader beyond all that is pleasant in the world, at the same time instructing him and inspiring him with new fervor.




All can easily persuade themselves that, if the interior life of Christ our Lord and of the most holy Virgin was not just as described in these books, it could certainly have been like it; and that it would have been well worthy of Them, if it was as it is there depicted.



All that is there said is befitting the majesty and humility of Christ, and in correspondence with the holiness of the Virgin and the dignity of the Mother; since there is found nothing in the whole work which was not worthy of both one and the other.




“Notwithstanding all this, we should not at all wonder if the book met with men who are disposed to be critical; for what book is there which can hope to escape the opposition of the people of our times? 




God has not even provided that the sacred Scriptures should be free from such attack among the greater part of the learned of this world. 




The whole philosophy of the pagans causes them to join the number of those who are opposed to the cross of Christ crucified; and among that number are also the libertines of our day.”




“Of course there are certain points in this work which might give rise to apparent difficulties, and some of them occurred, and do occur, to us.




But, in accordance with what we have said of the excellence and usefulness of this work, we have come to the conclusion that these few passages must not hinder us from giving it the commendation already given; besides, we must confess that we might possibly be ourselves mistaken in making these objections.”



“This seemed to us the most reasonable course, since in this book there is something more than human. Anything so excellent and sublime cannot be ascribed to an over-excited imagination, since the whole work is consistent throughout.




Nor can it be believed to be the work of a perverted mind, for, with a constant equanimity, it treats of the most deeply hidden and abstruse matters without involving itself in any contradictions; though often also it descends to innumerable minute and particular circumstances.”




“There are contained in this work such noble, such devout circumstantial and pertinent discourses, as cannot be the result of mere discursive thought.




Nor can it be attributed to the demon; for, from beginning to end, it suggests and breathes nothing but humility, patience and endurance of hardships.”




“Therefore, just as 'Ciudad’ must without a doubt be attributed to the venerable Mother of Agreda, who is claimed as its author, so she cannot have composed it without particular help from on high.





Our conclusive opinion is, that the City of God, for the good of the public, and for the advantages to be derived therefrom, should be brought forth to the light.




This is our judgment, which we submit entirely to the supreme decision of the Holy See, to whom alone belongs the right of finally judging such writings.”




Louvain, 20th of July 1715.







Hermann Damen,


Doctor, Professor Ordinary and Regent of the Theolqgical Faculty, Don of Saint Peter. President of the College of Arras, Censor of Books, etc.




Anton Parmentier,


Doctor, Professor Ordinary, Regent of the Theological Faculty, President of the Great College of Theologians, etc.






上一篇:054天主的奥秘之城第一册第2卷第25章 至圣婴孩玛利亚的童年
下一篇:001天主的奥秘之城第二册第1卷第1章 至高天主在至圣玛利亚身上开始预备道成肉身的奥秘


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