天主的奥秘之城 第一册(胡文浩 紫微雷塔小德兰译 杨开勇校阅)列表
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209. The divine wisdom had now prepared all things for drawing forth the spotless image of the Mother of grace from the corruption of nature.

209. 天主的智慧现在已经准备好一切,要从自然的败坏中把圣母无玷的形象展现出来。

The number and congregation of ancient Patriarchs and Prophets had been completed and gathered, and the mountains had been raised, on which this mystical City of God was to be built (Ps. 86, 2).


[经文〈咏 87:1-3〉:上主喜爱自己的宫殿,是建筑在一切的圣山。他喜爱熙雍所有的城门,胜过雅各伯所有的帐棚。天主的圣城!人们论到你,曾经说了许多光荣的事。]

By the power of his right hand He had already selected incomparable treasures of the Divinity to enrich and endow Her. A thousand angels were equipped for her guard and custody, that they might serve as most faithful vassals of their Queen and Lady.

上主以祂大能的右臂,已经选择了无与伦比的神圣宝藏,来丰富并赋予玛利亚最高恩宠。 一千个天使为守卫和监护她已装备妥当,这些天使成为天上元后和圣母最忠实的臣仆。

He had provided a noble and kingly ancestry from whom She should descend and had selected for

Her most holy and perfect parents, than whom none holier or more perfect could be found in the world.


For there is no doubt that if better and more apt parents existed, the Almighty would have selected them for Her, who was to be chosen by God as his Mother.


210. He endowed these parents with abundant graces and blessings of his right hand, and enriched them with all virtues, with enlightenments of divine science and with the gifts of the Holy Ghost.


After having announced to the two saints, Joachim and Anne, that He would grant them a Daughter, admirable and blessed among women, He permitted the work of the first Conception to take place, namely, that of the most pure body of Mary.



The age of Anne, when She married Joachim, was twenty-four, and that of Joachim, forty-six. Twenty years they lived in married life with out having an issue, and thus Anne, at the same time of the Conception of her Daughter, was forty-four years old, and saint Joachim sixty-six.


Although the conception happened according to the ordinary course of nature, yet the Most High freed it from imperfections and disorders, permitting only what was strictly required according to nature, in order that the proper material might be furnished for the formation of the most perfect substance within the limits of a mere creature.


211. God limited the natural activity in the two parents and by his grace prevented any fault or imperfection, substituting for them virtue and merit, and entire propriety in the manner of conception, which though natural and according to the common order, was nevertheless directed, supplemented and perfected by the action of divine grace, without disturbing the proper effect due to the law of nature.

211. 天主限制了双亲的自然活动,并以恩宠防止了任何的过错或缺点,代之以他们的美德和功行,而且在受孕方式上的全部规矩,虽然这些行为是自然的,并且按照一般的秩序,但仍然由天主恩宠行为来指导、补充和完善,而不因自然律而影响应有的效果。

As regards the holy matron Anne, the divine power was more manifest on account of her natural sterility ; in her the Conception was miraculous, not only in regard to the manner, but in regard to its very substance. In regard to the conceptions which happen entirely according to the natural order and in virtue of the natural powers, there is no necessity of recurring to or of depending on any supernatural cause.

至于圣妇亚纳,由于她自然的不育,上主的能力更加明显。她的“受孕”是奇迹,不仅在方式上,而且在实质上。 对于那完全根据自然秩序和天然能力而发生的受孕,是没必要重复或依赖任何超自然的成因。

The parents in concurring are sufficient causes of the propagation, even in case they furnish the material and the concurrent acts of generation with imperfection and without proper measure.


212. But in this Conception, although the father was not naturally sterile, yet on account of his age and moderation, his natural powers were in a measure suppressed and weakened; and therefore he was enlivened, restored and enabled to act on his part with entire perfection and with the plenitude of his faculties, proportionately to the sterility of the mother.


212. 但在这个受孕中,尽管父亲并非天生就没有生育能力,但由于年龄和节制,他的自然能力在某种程度上受到压制和削弱。 因此,天主使他充满活力,恢复生机,能够以整个的完美和充分的能力尽到他那部分职责,这与母亲的不育相对称。

In both of them nature and grace concurred; the former briefly, with measure, and in that which was necessary; the latter overflowingly, powerfully and generously; absorbing, yet not confounding nature, exalting it and perfecting it in a miraculous manner.

自然与恩宠两者并存;前者简要地,有规则,且是必要的;而后者是丰厚,大能而慷慨地; 吸收自然而又不混乱自然,以奇迹般的方式提升和完善自然。

Thus grace was the origin of this Conception, while it called into its service the activity of nature in so far as was necessary for the birth of that ineffable Daughter from her natural parents.


213. The mode of repairing the sterility of the most holy mother Anne did not consist in the restitution of that condition, which was wanting in her natural faculties of conception; for thus restored, she would have conceived in no way different from the rest of women; the Lord concurred with her sterile faculties in a more miraculous manner for the formation of the body from natural material.

213. 修复至圣母亲亚纳不育的方式并不在于复原亚纳的状况,即希望她能自然受孕;因为如此的恢复,她的受孕方式与其他妇女没有任何不同;(事实上)天主以一种更神奇的方式协同了她的不育能力,从天然的物质形成了身体。

Thus the faculties and the material were of the natural order, but the manner of moving them happened by the miraculous power of the Divinity.


As soon as the miracle of this Conception had ceased, the mother was left in her former sterility never to conceive again, since no new quality was taken from or added to the natural temperament. This wonder, it seems to me, can be made intelligible by that which our Savior wrought, when saint Peter walked over the water (Matth. 14, 29).



In order to sustain him, the water was not necessarily changed into crystal or ice, over which he and others could have walked without requiring any miraculous intervention except that of thus suddenly changing it into ice ; but without thus changing the water, the Lord gave it the power to sustain the body of the Apostle.


It remained in a liquid state both during and after the miracle; for when saint Peter ran over it, he began to sink and was about to drown. The miracle therefore was performed without changing the water by the addition of a new quality.


214. Much like to this, though much more wonderful, was the miracle of the Conception of Mary most holy in her mother Anne. The parents were so entirely governed by grace and withdrawn from concupiscence and delectation, that the accidental imperfections, which ordinarily are the material or the instruments of conception, and which induce original sin, were altogether wanting.

214. 与此相似,但更为奇妙的是,她的母亲亚纳怀上最神圣的玛利亚的奇迹。双亲如此完全地被恩宠支配,退出了欲念和愉悦,那偶发性的缺陷,通常是受孕的物质或工具,用以诱发原罪,都完全没有了。

Thus was furnished a material exempt from imperfection and furnished in such a manner that the act itself was meritorious. Hence in so far as this act was concerned it could easily be free from sin or imperfection, even if divine Providence had not previously arranged every particular of this event. This miracle the Almighty reserved solely for Her, who was to be a Mother worthy of Himself.


For if it was proper that the material part of his being should have its origin according to the order maintained in the conception of the other children of Adam, it was likewise eminently proper that, without destroying nature, grace should concur in it with all its efficacy and power, and that it should excel in Her and act in Her more efficaciously than in all the children of Adam; yea, be greater than

even in Adam and Eve, who gave origin to the corruption of nature and to its disorderly concupiscence.


215. In the formation of the body of the most holy Mary the wisdom and power of the Almighty proceeded so cautiously that the quantities and qualities of the four natural elements of the human body, the sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic and choleric, were compounded in exact proportion and measure ; in order that by this most perfect proportion in its mixture and composition it might assist the operations of that holy Soul with which it was to be endowed and animated.


215.在形成最圣洁的圣母玛利亚的身体时,全能者的智慧和大能如此精心地进行,以至于人体的四种自然元素,即血红素,黑胆汁,粘液和黄胆汁的数量和质量,以精确的比例和度量调和了; 为的是通过最完美的比例混合和构成,可以协助赋予并活跃神圣灵魂的行动。


This wonderfully composed temperament was afterwards the source and the cause, which in its own way made possible the serenity and peace that reigned in the powers and faculties of the Queen of heaven during all her life.


Never did any of these elements oppose or contradict nor seek to predominate over the others, but each one of them supplemented and served the others, continuing in this well ordered fabric without corruption or decay.


Never did the body of the most Holy Mary suffer from the taint of corruption, nor was there anything wanting or any thing excessive found in it; but all the conditions and proportions of the different elements were continuously adjusted, without any want or excess in what was necessary for her perfect existence and without excess or default in dryness or moisture.


Neither was there more warmth than was necessary for maintenance of life or digestion; nor more cold than was necessary for the right temperature and for the maintenance of the bodily humors.


216. Nor was this body its admirable composition, less sensible to the influence of heat and cold and the other in clemencies of the weather, but rather, as it was more delicately and perfectly constituted, so it was more acutely affected by any extremes, not being able to furnish a defense against the excess of temperature in those parts, which were more subject to them.


Certainly, on the one hand, these extremes would find in such a harmoniously constituted frame much less material in which they could work their changes; nevertheless, on the other hand, the delicacy of its composition made even ordinary influences much more penetrating than greater ones in other bodies.



This admirable body, thus formed in the womb of holy Anne, was not capable of spiritual gifts before it was animated by the soul; but it was capable of receiving the natural ones.


These were given to this body in supernatural degree and by supernatural power, so as to accord with the high purpose and the singular gifts for which it was formed; and in this it surpassed all others in the order of nature and grace Thus were given to it a complexion and faculties so excellent that all nature would never of it self be able to produce one similar to it.


217. Just as the hand of our Lord formed the first parents Adam and Eve in such a way as to befit original justice and the state of innocence and therefore also more excellently than their descendants (for the works coming directly from the Lord must be more perfect than those of secondary causes), so his Omnipotence, in a more excellent and superior manner, operated in the formation of the virginal body of the most holy Mary.

217. 正如我们上主之手以如此符合初始的正义和纯真的状态,形成了第一个父母亚当和厄娃一样,因此也比他们的后代更为出色(因为直接来自上主的作为,必定比其后所生的更完美),因此在形成至圣玛利亚的童贞身体上,上主的全能以一种更为卓越和优良的方式运作。

And this He did with so much the greater solicitude and abundance of grace, as this Creature was to exceed in perfection not only the first parents, who were to sin so soon, but all the other creatures, corporal and spiritual.


According to our way of speaking, God exerted more care in composing this little body of his most holy Mother, than in creating all the celestial orbs and the whole universe.


In accordance with this rule are to be measured the gifts and privileges of this City of God from its first beginnings and foundations to its highest pinnacle next to the infinity of the Most High.



218. Such was also the measure of the distance between her miraculous Conception and sin and its cause, concupiscence; for not only was She, as the dawn of grace, entirely free from sin, and always so exhibited and treated by the Lord; but also in her parents, sin and concupiscence was restrained and withheld in view of her Conception, in order that nature might not be disturbed or made imperfect in this work.


218. 这也应衡量玛利亚神奇的“受孕”与罪恶及罪恶成因和淫欲之间的距离;玛利亚不仅是作为恩宠的曙光,完全摆脱了罪恶,并且总是被主如此展示和对待;但同时在玛利亚的父母,出于玛利亚的受孕,他们的罪恶和情欲受到了抑制和克制,为使自然不在这项工作中受到干扰或导致缺欠不完美。

For nature was to be subject to grace and served merely as an instrument to the supreme Artificer, who is superior to the laws of nature and of grace It was here that He commenced to destroy sin, and to lay the foundations, building up the castle of the strong armed One (Luc. 11, 22) who was to undermine evil and deprive it of the possessions which it tyrannically held.



219. The day on which the first Conception of the body of the most holy Mary happened, was a Sunday, corresponding to the day of the week on which the angels were created, whose exalted Queen and Lady She was to be.

219. 至圣玛利亚身体的初始受孕发生的那天是一个星期日,与创造天使在一周的那一天是相对应的,天使们颂扬了将成为元后和圣母的玛利亚。

For the formation and growth of other human bodies, according to the natural order, many days are necessary in order to organize and fit them for the reception of the rational soul.


Thus for a man child are required forty and for females eighty days, more or less, according to the natural heat and disposition of the mothers. In the formation of the virginal body of Mary the Almighty accelerated the natural time and that, which according to the natural rule required eighty days, was accomplished in Her within seven days.


Within these seven days, by accelerated growth, was organized and prepared in the womb of holy Anne that wonderful body which was to receive the most holy soul of her Daughter and of our Lady and Queen.


220. On the Saturday next following this first Conception, the Almighty wrought the second Conception by creating the soul of his Mother and infusing it into the body; and thus entered into the world that pure Creature, more holy, perfect and agreeable to His eyes than all those He had created, or will create to the end of the world, or through the eternities.


God maintained a mysterious correspondence in the execution of this work with that of creating all the rest of the world in seven days, as is related in the book of Genesis.


Then no doubt He rested in truth, according to the figurative language of Scripture, since He has now created the most perfect Creature of all, giving through it a beginning to the work of the divine Word and to the Redemption of the human race. Thus was this day a paschal feast for God and also for all creatures.


221. On account of this Immaculate Conception of most holy Mary the holy Spirit has provided that Saturday be consecrated to the Virgin in the holy Church, since that was the day on which She received the greatest benefit through the creation of her soul and its union with its body without entailing sin or its effects.

221. 由于圣母的始胎无染原罪,圣神规定,在圣教会中将周六奉献给圣母,因为是那天通过创造她的灵魂并与其身体结合,她获得最大恩惠,没有遗传罪恶或其后果。

The day of the Immaculate Conception, which the Church now celebrates, is not the day of her first conception, when the body alone was conceived, but it is the day of her second Conception or the infusion of her soul.


Body and soul, therefore, remained for nine months in the womb of holy Anne, which are the days that intervene between the Conception to the Nativity of that Queen.


During the other seven days preceding the vivification of the inanimate body, it was disposed and organized by the divine power, in order that this work might correspond with the account that Moses gives of the Creation of all things, comprising the formation of the whole world at its beginning.



At the instant of the creation and infusion of the soul in the most holy Mother, the most blessed Trinity, repeated with greater affection of love the words, recorded by Moses at that time concerning man : “Let us make Mary to our image and likeness to be our true Daughter and Spouse and a Mother to the Onlybegotten of the Father.”


222. By the force of this divine pronouncement and through the love with which it issued from the mouth of Almighty, was created and infused into the body of most holy Mary her most blessed Soul At the same time She was filled with grace and gifts above those of the highest seraphim of heaven, and there was not a single instant in which She was found wanting or deprived of the light, the friendship and love of the Creator, or in which She was touched by the stain or darkness of original sin.

222. 借此神圣宣告的力量,并借着从全能者口中发出的爱,她被创造出来,至圣玛利亚的至圣灵魂被注入,同时,她被恩宠和恩赐充满,胜过天上最高的六翼天使色辣芬,没有一个瞬间,她被发现缺少或被剥夺了光明,或造物主的友谊和爱,也没有一个瞬间,她被原罪的败坏或黑暗所玷污。

On the contrary She was possessed of the most perfect justice, superior to that of Adam and Eve in their first formation. To Her was also conceded the most perfect use of the light of reason, corresponding to the gifts of grace, which She had received Not for one instant was She to remain idle, but to engage in works most admirable and pleasing to her Maker.

相反地,她拥有最完美的正义,比亚当和厄娃最初形成时的正义还要优越。 她也被允许最完美地运用理性之光,这与她所得到的恩赐一致,而她一刻也不虚度,用来从事讨她造物主最赞赏和最喜悦的工作。

In the perception of this great mystery I confess myself overcome, so that my heart, unable to express itself in words, is dumbfounded in sentiments of admiration and of praise.


I see the Ark of the Testament joined together, enriched and placed in the temple of a sterile mother with greater glory than the figurative one in the house of Obededon, and of David, or in the temple of Solomon (II Reg. 6, 11 III Reg. 8, 6).

我看到约柜加入在一起,被充实并放置在一位不育母亲的圣殿(子宫)里,这较放在敖贝得厄东家、达味家,或撒罗满圣殿中那个具有象征意义的约柜,有更大的荣耀(撒母耳纪下6:11 列王纪上8:6)。


I see the altar of the Holy of holies (Is. 65, 17), whence is to be offered the first sacrifice that is to overcome and prove acceptable to God ; I see the order of nature break from its laws to be rearranged;


I see new laws established against sin, disregarding those of the common order, overpowering those of guilt, conquering those of nature and supervening even those of grace itself;


I see the formation of a new earth, and of a new heaven (Is. 65, 17) being the womb of a most humble woman, whither the eyes of the most holy Trinity are directed, where the Divinity presides, where the courtiers of the ancient heavens gather, and whither a thousand angels are delegated to form a guard over a tiny, animated body not larger than that of a little bee.



223. In this new creation is heard with a greater force the voice of its Maker, who, pleased with the work of his Omnipotence, says that it is very good (Gen. 1,31). Let human frailty with humble piety approach this wonder, confessing the grandeur of the Creator, and let it rejoice at this new benefit conceded to all the human race in this its Reparatrix.

223. 在这个新受造物中,造物主的声音更加强烈。造物主对祂的“全能”作品感到满意,说这是非常好的(创世纪1:31)。 让人类以谦卑孝爱的柔弱接近这个奇迹,承认造物主的伟大,并在它(新造物)的修复重组中,赋予全人类这种新的福祉而欢欣鼓舞。


Let the heat of disputation cease, overcome by thy divine light; for if the divine Bounty, as was shown to me, in the Conception of the most holy Mother, looked upon Her with such pleasure and upon original sin with such hostility that He gloried in the occasion and just cause of restraining and withholding its baneful currents, how can that appear proper to human wisdom, which was so abhorrent to God?


224. At the time of the infusion of the soul into the body of this heavenly Lady, the Almighty desired that her mother, the holy Anne, should feel and recognize the presence of the Divinity in a most exalted manner.



She was filled with the Holy Ghost and was moved interiorly with a joy and devotion altogether above the ordinary. She was wrapped in exalted ecstasy, in which she was enlightened with deep intelligences of the most hidden mysteries and praised the Lord with new canticles of Joy.


These effects lasted during all the rest of her life; but they were greater during the nine months in which she bore in her womb the Treasure of heaven.


For during that time these benefits were more constantly renewed and repeated with continual intelligences of the holy Scriptures and of their most profound sacraments.


O most fortunate woman ! let all the nations and generations of the world extol thee and call thee blessed!



下一篇:021天主的奥秘之城第一册第1卷第16章 关于德性的习惯,天主赋予了至圣玛利亚的灵魂


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