天主的奥秘之城 第一册(胡文浩 紫微雷塔小德兰译 杨开勇校阅)列表
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006天主的奥秘之城第一册第1卷第1章6 天主赐予我灵魂的两个特别的神视异象
006天主的奥秘之城第一册第1卷第1章6 天主赐予我灵魂的两个特别的神视异象
浏览次数:1982 更新时间:2021-1-9




Treats of the Divine Fore-Ordainment of Christ and His Mother as the Highest Ideals of all Creation; of the Creation of the Angels and Men as their Servants; of the Lineage of the Just Men, Finally Resulting In the Immaculate Conception and Birth of the Queen of Heaven; and of Her Life up to Her Presentation In the Temple.






1.      I confess to Thee (Matth. 11, 25) and magnify Thee, King Most High, that in thy exalted Majesty Thou hast hidden these high mysteries from the wise and from the teachers, and in thy condescension hast revealed them to me, the most insignificant and useless slave of thy Church, in order that Thou mayest be the more admired as the omnipotent Author of this history in proportion as its instrument is despicable and weak.


就在那时候,耶稣发言说:「父啊!天地的主宰!我称谢你,因为你将这些事瞒住了智慧和明达的人,而启示给小孩子。 」(玛窦福音 11:25)

2.      After I had overcome the above mentioned reluctance and disorderly fears which caused so much timid hesitation, lest I suffer shipwreck in that sea of marvels, the most exalted Lord caused me to feel a virtue from on high, strong, sweet, efficacious and gentle;


an enlightenment which illumined the intellect, subjected the rebellious will, tranquillizing, directing, governing and attracting the whole range of interior and exterior senses, thus subjecting my entire being to the will and pleasure of the Most High and directing it in all things toward his honor and glory alone.


Being thus prepared, I heard a voice from the Almighty, which called me and raised me up toward Him, exalting my dwelling-place on high (Ec-clus. 51, 13) and strengthening me against the lions, that hungrily roared about me in order to snatch my soul from the enjoyment of great blessings in the boundless mysteries of this holy Tabernacle and City of God.



Surrounded by the sorrows of death and perdition (Ps. 17, 5) and beset by the flames of Sodom and Babylon, in which we live, it liberated me from the portals of sorrow, into which I was enticed to enter.


My enemies, forming visions of fallacious and deceitful delights for the misleading of my senses and the capture of them by pretended pleasures, set their allurements about me, in order that I might blindly turn toward these flames and be consumed by them.


But from all these snares, laid for my footsteps (Ps. 56, 7), the Most High has delivered me, elevating my spirit and teaching me by the most efficacious admonitions the way of perfection. He invited me to a life spiritualized and angelic, and obliged me to live so cautiously, that in the midst of the furnace, the fire touched me not (Eccli. 51, 6).


[经文:他们为我的脚设下了罗网,要我的性命;在我前面挖掘了陷阱,自己反跌入其中。(圣咏56:7);使我脱离了环绕我的窒息热火,我在火中,却没有烧伤; (德训篇 51:6)]

He often liberated me from the impure tongue, when it sought to communicate to me its earthly fables (Ps. 118, 85).


[经文:不按你法律生活的骄傲人,暗中给我挖掘了陷阱深坑。(咏 119:85)]

His Majesty invited me to rise from the dust and littleness of the law of sin, to resist the defections of sin-infected nature and restrain its disorders, combatting them by his enlightening inspirations and raising myself above myself (Lam. 3, 28).



He called me repeatedly, sometimes by the power of his omnipotence, sometimes with the correction of a Father, and at others with the love of a Spouse, saying: Arise, my dove,creation of my hands, make haste and come to Me (Cant. 2, 10),who am the light and the way (John 8, 12), he that follows Me, walks not in darkness.


[经文:我的爱人招呼我说:起来,我的爱卿!快来,我的佳丽! (雅歌 2:10);耶稣又向众人讲说:我是世界的光;跟随我的,决不在黑暗中行走,必有生命的光。 (若 8:12) ]

Come to Me, who am the secure truth, and unchangeable holiness, to Me, who am the Powerful and the Wise, and the Teacher of those that follow wisdom (Wis. 7, 15).


[经文:愿天主使我遵照他的意愿说话,使我的思想配合他的恩赐,因为是他领导智慧,引导智者。(智慧篇 7:15) ]

3.      These words were like arrows of sweet love, which filled me with admiration, reverence, knowledge and dread of my sins and of my vileness, so that I retired from his presence, shrunken and annihilated in the knowledge of my nothingness.


And the Lord spoke to me: “Come, O soul, come to Me, who am thy omnipotent God, and although thou hast been a prodigal child and a sinner, arise from the earth and come to Me, thy Father; receive the stole of my friendship and the ring of a spouse.”

主对我说:「灵魂啊,来吧,到我这里来,我是你全能的天主,你虽然是个浪子,是个罪人,但你要从地上起身,到我,你的父亲这里来,领受我友谊的披肩和净配的戒指。 」

(stole 有圣带、领带之意 圣职人员执行宗教仪式时,佩于颈间约长80吋之丝带,加在白衣之外,象征神权。不过这里代表友谊可能用披肩更合适。)

4.      Still remaining in that secure retreat of which I have spoken, I saw on a certain day, six angels, whom the Almighty had appointed to assist and guide me in this undertaking and in other dangers.


Coming toward me, they purified and prepared my soul, and then presented me before the Lord. His Majesty gave to my interior being a new light and, as it were, a participation in glory, by which I was made capable and desirous of seeing and understanding the things, which are above the powers of a mere terrestrial creature.


Soon after, two other angels, of a still higher order, appeared to me and I felt within me the power of the Lord by which they called me. I understood that they were most mysterious envoys and that they wished to reveal to me high and hidden sacraments.


Eagerly I responded, and desirous of enjoying the blessing which they pointed out to me, I declared to them, how ardently I longed to see what they wished to show me and yet so mysteriously concealed from me. Then they at once answered with great serenity: “Restrain thyself, O soul.”

我急切地响应,而且很渴望享受他们指给我的祝福,我对他们说,我多么热切的渴望看到他们想给我看却又如此神秘地瞒着我的东西。然后他们立刻非常平静地回答:「灵魂啊,克制自己吧。 」

I turned to the great princes of heaven and said: “Princes of the Almighty and messengers of the great King! Why do you now detain me contrary to my will and why do you defer my joy and my delight, after you have called me?


What force is this of yours, and what power, which calls me, fills me with fervor, which allures and yet detains me, which attracts me to follow after the odor of my beloved Lord and of his ointments, and yet restrains me with strong bonds? Tell me the cause of all this!”

你的这股力量是什么?是什么力量在召叫我?是什么力量让我充满热情,吸引我又阻留我,吸引我追随我敬爱的主和祂的膏油的气味,却又用坚固的纽带束缚着我呢?告诉我这一切的原因! 」

They answered: “Because, in order to be instructed in all these mysteries, thou must needs, O soul, come with bare feet and despoiled of all thy desires and passions; for these mysteries do not accommodate or lend themselves to disordered inclinations.


Take off thy shoes like Moses (Exodus 3, 5), for such was the command given to him before he could see the wonderful bush.”

像梅瑟那样脱下你的鞋子(出埃及记3:5),因为这是他在看见奇妙的灌木丛之前所受的命令。 」

“Princes of heaven and my lords,” I answered, “much was asked of Moses, when he received the command to perform the works of an angel while yet living in mortal flesh: but he was a saint, and I am but a sinner full of miseries.

「天上的王子和我的首领, 」我回答说,「当梅瑟在肉身中还活着的时候,他接到了执行天使工作的命令时,有人向他提出了很多要求,但他是一个圣人,而我只是一个饱受痛苦的罪人。

My heart is disturbed and I am in conflict with the slavery and the oppression of sin, which I feel in my members, and which are opposed to the law of the spirit” (Rom. 7, 23).

我的心不安,在罪的奴役和压迫中相抗争,这是我在肢体中所感受到的,是与理智的律法相抵触的。 」

[经文:可是,我发觉在我的肢体内,另有一条法律,与我理智所赞同的法律交战,并把我掳去,叫我隶属于那在我肢体内的罪恶的法律。(罗 7:23) ]

To which they rejoined: “Soul, it would indeed be for thee a most difficult enterprise, if thou hadst to execute it merely with thy own power; but the Most High, who wishes to see in thee this disposition, is powerful, and He will not deny to thee his help, if from thy heart thou ask his assistance and thou prepare thyself to receive it.


And his power, which caused the bush to burn and at the same time prevented it from being consumed, can prevent also the fire of the passions which encompass and beset the soul, from consuming it, if it truly desires to be saved. His Majesty asks for that which He desires, and can execute what He asks.


Strengthened by Him, thou canst do that which He commands (Phil. 4, 13) ; take off thy shoes and weep in bitter sorrow, call out to Him from the bottom of thy heart, in order that thy prayers may be heard and thy desires fulfilled.”

靠着祂的力量,你可以按祂的命令去做(斐理伯书4:13)脱下你的鞋,在痛苦中悲伤哭泣,从心底呼唤祂,好叫你的祷告得着应允,你的心愿得以成全。 」

[经文:我赖加强我力量的那位,能应付一切。 (斐理伯 书4:13) ]

5.      Presently I saw a most precious veil covering a treasure and my heart burned with desire to see it raised and to look upon the sacred mystery which I understood was hidden beneath. My desire was answered in the following manner: “Obey, O soul, in what was enjoined and commanded thee; despoil thyself of thyself, and then this mystery will be revealed to thee.”

不一会儿,我看见一层最珍贵的面纱遮住了一个宝贝,我的心燃烧起来,渴望看到它被掀起,想看看隐藏在下面的神圣的奥秘。我的愿望得到了如下的回答:「灵魂啊,听从所命令和吩咐的,把你自己夺去,这样这奥秘就显露在你面前了。 」

I resolved to amend my life and to overcome my appetite; I sighed and wept with many aspirations from my inmost soul for the manifestation of this blessing. While I made my good resolves, the veil which covered the treasure, began to be lifted.


Presently the veil fell entirely and my interior eyes saw what I shall not know how to describe in words. I saw a great and mysterious sign in heaven; I saw a Woman, a most beautiful Lady and Queen, crowned with the stars, clothed with the sun, and the moon was at her feet (Apoc. 12, 1).


[经文:那时,天上出现了一个大异兆:有一个女人,身披太阳,脚踏月亮,头戴十二颗星的荣冠; (默示录 12:1) ]

The holy angels spoke to me: “This is that blessed Woman, whom Saint John saw in the Apocalypse, and in whom are enclosed, deposited and sealed up the wonderful mysteries of the Redemption.


So much has the most high and powerful God favored this Creature, that we, His angelic spirits, are full of astonishment.


Contemplate and admire her prerogatives, record them in writing, because that is the purpose for which, according to the measure suitable to thy circumstances, they will be made manifest to thee.”

深思并称赞她的特权,把它们写下来,因为这就是目的,根据适合你情况的程度,这些特权将向你显明。 」

I was made to see such wonders, that the greatness of them took away my speech, and my admiration of them suspended my other faculties; nor do I think that all the created beings in this mortal life will ever comprehend them, as will appear in the sequel of my discourse.


6.      On another day, while my soul sweetly tarried in the aforesaid habitation, I heard a voice from the Most High saying: “My spouse, I desire that thou rouse thyself in earnest to seek Me, and to love Me with fervor; that thou make thy life more angelic than human, and that thou forget entirely the terrestrial affairs.


I wish to raise thee as one that is poor from the dust, and as one full of need from the dunghill (Ps. 112, 7), so that, while I exalt thee, thou mayest humiliate thyself, and the nard of thy sweet odor may remain in my presence; knowing thy own misery, be thou convinced from the bottom of thy heart, that thou meritest for thyself only tribulation and humiliation.


〔经文:从尘埃里提拔弱小的人,由粪土中举扬穷苦的人。(圣咏112:7) 〕

Consider my greatness and thy littleness; remember that I am just and holy; I deal with thee considerately, making use rather of my mercy and not chastising thee as thou deservest.


Strive to build upon this foundation of humility all the other virtues in order to fulfill my wishes. I appoint my Virgin Mother to teach, correct and reprehend thee. She will spur thee onward and accompany thy footsteps according to my liking and pleasure.”

努力在这个谦卑的基础上建立所有其它的美德,以实现我所想要的。我委派我的童贞母亲来教导、纠正和责备你。她会根据我想要的和希望的,伴着你的脚步,激励你前进的。 」

7.      While the Most High spoke to me the Queen stood near by; and the heavenly Princess disdained not to accept the office which his Majesty assigned to Her.


She accepted it benignly and said to me: “My daughter, I desire that thou be my disciple and my companion, and I will be thy Teacher; but remember that thou must obey me courageously and from this day on no vestige of a daughter of Adam must be found in thee.


My conduct and my works during my pilgrimage on earth, and the wonders, which the arm of the Almighty wrought through me, shall be the mirror and the model of thy life.”

我在人间的朝圣之旅的行为和我的工作,以及全能者的手臂在我身上所做的奇迹,将是你生命的镜子和典范。 」

I prostrated myself before the throne of the King and Queen of the universe and I offered to obey Her in all things; I gave thanks to the Highest for the favor, which He, so much in excess of my  s, conferred upon me in giving me such a Guide and Protectress.


Into Her hands I renewed the vows of my profession; I offered myself to Her and proposed to work anew at the amendment of my life.


Again the Lord spoke to me: “Behold and see!” Turning I saw a most beautiful ladder with many rungs; around it were many angels, and a great number of them were ascending and descending upon it.


His Majesty said to me: “This is the mysterious ladder of Jacob, the house of God and the portal of heaven (Gen. 28, 17) ; if thou wilt earnestly strive to live irreprehensible in my eyes, thou wilt ascend upon it to Me.”

上主对我说:这是雅各伯的神秘的梯子,是天主的住所,上天之门,若你在我眼中努力地过一个无瑕的生活,你将从这梯子上升到我这来。 」

〔经文:他又满怀敬畏地说:“这地方多么可畏!这里不是别处,乃是天主的住所,上天之门。”(创28:17) 〕

8.      This promise incited my desires, set my will aflame and enraptured my spirit; with many tears I grieved, that I should be a burden to myself in my sinfulness (Job. 7, 20).


I sighed for the end of my captivity and longed to arrive where there would be no obstacle to my love.


In this anxiety I passed some days, trying to reform my life; I again made a general confession and corrected some of my imperfections.


The vision of the ladder continued without intermission, but it was not explained to me.


I made many promises to the Lord and proposed to free myself from all terrestrial things and to reserve the powers of my will entirely for his love, without allowing it to incline toward any creature, be it ever so small or unsuspicious; I repudiated all visible and sensible things.


Having passed some days in these affections and sentiments, I was informed by the Most High, that the ladder signified the life of the most Holy Virgin, its virtues and sacraments.


His Majesty said to me: “I desire, my spouse, that thou ascend this stair of Jacob and enter through this door of heaven to acquire the knowledge of my attributes and occupy thyself in the contemplation of my Divinity.


Arise then and walk, ascend by it to Me. These angels, which surround it and accompany it, are those that I appointed as the guardians of Mary, as the defenders and sentinels of the citadel of Sion.


Consider Her attentively, and, meditating on her virtues, seek to imitate them.”

凝神注视她,深思她的美德,努力模仿它们美德。 」

It seemed to me then, that I ascended the ladder and that I recognized the great wonders and the ineffable prodigies of the Lord in a mere Creature and the greatest sanctity and perfection of virtue ever worked by the arm of the Almighty.


At the top of the ladder I saw the Lord of hosts and the Queen of all creation. They commanded me to glorify, exalt and praise Him on account of these great mysteries and to write down so much of them, as I might bring myself to understand.


The exalted and high Lord gave me a law, written not only on tablets, as He gave to Moses (Exod. 31, 18), but one wrought by his omnipotent finger in order that it might be studied and observed (Ps. 1, 2).


He moved my will so that in her presence I promised to overcome my repugnance and with her assistance to set about writing her history, paying attention to three things:


First, to remember that the creature must ever seek to acknowledge the profound reverence due to God and to abase itself in proportion to the condescension of his Majesty toward men and that the effect of greater favors and benefits must be a greater fear, reverence, attention and humility;


secondly, to be ever mindful of the obligation of all men, who are so forgetful of their own salvation, to consider and learn what they owe to the Queen and Mother of piety on account of the part assumed by Her in the Redemption, to think of the love and the reverence which She showed to God and the honor in which we are to hold this great Lady;


thirdly, to be willing to have my spiritual director, and if necessary the whole world, find out my littleness and vileness, and the small returns which I make for what I receive.


9.      To these my protestations the most Holy Virgin answered: “My daughter, the world stands much in need of this doctrine, for it does not know, nor does it practice, the reverence due to the Lord omnipotent.


On account of this ignorance hisHis? justice is provoked to afflict and humiliate men.


They are sunken in their carelessness and filled with darkness, not knowing how to seek relief or attain to the light.


This, however, is justly their lot, since they fail in the reverence and fear, which they ought to have.”


Besides this the Most High and the Queen gave me many other instructions, in order to make clear to me their will in regard to this work.


It seemed to me temerity and want of charity toward myself, to reject the instruction which She had promised me for narrating the course of her most holy life.


It seemed equally improper to put off the writing of it, since the Most High had intimated this as the fitting and opportune time, saying to me in this regard:


 “My daughter, when I sent my Onlybegotten, the world, with the exception of the few souls that served Me, was in worse condition than it ever had been since its beginning;


for human nature is so imperfect that if it does not subject itself to the interior guidance of my light and to the fulfillment of the precepts of my ministers by sacrificing its own judgment and following Me, who am the way, the truth and the life (John 14, 6), and by carefully observing my commandments in order not to lose my friendship, it will presently fall into the abyss of darkness and innumerable miseries, until it arrives at obstinacy in sin.


From the creation and sin of the first man until I gave the law to Moses, men governed themselves according to their own inclinations and fell into many errors and sins (Rom. 8, 13).


After having received the law, they again committed sin by not obeying it (John 7, 19) and thus they lived on, separating themselves more and more from truth and light and arriving at the state of complete forgetfulness.


In fatherly love I sent them eternal salvation and a remedy for the incurable infirmities of human nature, thus justifying my cause.


And just as I then chose the opportune time for the greater manifestation of my mercy, so I now select this time for showing toward them another very great favor.


For now the hour has come and the opportune time to let men know the just cause of my anger, and they are now justly charged and convinced of their guilt.


Now I will make manifest my indignation and exercise my justice and equity; I will show how well justified is my cause.


In order that this may come to pass more speedily, and because it is now time that my mercy show itself more openly and because my love must not be idle, I will offer to them an opportune remedy, if they will but make use of it for returning again to my favor.


Now, at this hour, when the world has arrived at so unfortunate a pass, and when, though the Word has become incarnate, mortals are more careless of their weal and seek it less;


when the day of their transitory life passes swiftly at the setting of the sun of time;


when the night of eternity is approaching closer and closer for the wicked and the day without a night is being born for the just;


when the majority of mortals are sinking deeper and deeper into the darkness of their ignorance and guilt,oppressing the just and mocking the children of God;


when my holy and divine law is despised in the management of the iniquitous affairs of state, which are as hostile as they are contrary to my Providence;


when the wicked least deserve my mercy; in these predestined times, I wish to open a portal for the just ones through which they can find access to my mercy; I wish to give them a light by which they can dispel the gloom that envelops the eyes of their minds.


I wish to furnish them a suitable remedy for restoring them to my grace.


Happy they who find it, and blessed they who shall appreciate its value, rich they who shall come upon this treasure, and blessed and very wise those who shall search into and shall understand its marvels and hidden mysteries.


I desire to make known to mortals how much intercession of Her is worth, who brought restoration of life by giving mortal existence to the immortal God.


As recompense I desire that they look upon the wonders wrought by my mighty arm in that pure Creature, as upon a mirror by which they can estimate their own ingratitude.


I wish to make known to them much of that, which according to my high judgment is still hidden concerning the Mother of the Word.”

我想让他们知道这一点,根据我的最高判断,这件事关于圣言之母的事仍然是隐藏的。 」

10.   “I have not revealed these mysteries in the primitive Church, because they are so great, that the faithful would have been lost in the contemplation and admiration of them at a time when it was more necessary to establish firmly the law of grace and of the Gospel.

「我没有在早期教会中揭示这些奥秘,因为它们是如此伟大,以至于信徒们在更需要坚定地确立恩宠和福音的法律之时,会迷失在对它们的默观和钦崇中。 」

Although all mysteries of religion are in perfect harmony with each other, yet human ignorance might have suffered recoil and doubt at their magnitude, when faith in the Incarnation and Redemption and the precepts of the new law of the Gospel were yet in their beginnings.


On this same account the person of the incarnate Word said to his disciples at the last supper: “Many things have I to say to you; but you are not yet disposed to receive them” (John16, 12).

为此,成为肉身的圣言在最后的晚餐上对祂的门徒说:「我本来还有许多事要告诉你们,然而你们现在不能担负。 」(若望福音16:12)。


These words He addressed to all the world, for it was not yet capable of giving full obedience to the law of grace and full assent to the faith in the Son, much less was it prepared to be introduced into the mysteries of His Mother.


But now, mankind has greater need for this manifestation, and this necessity urges Me to disregard their evil disposition.


And if men would now seek to please Me by reverencing, believing, and studying the wonders, which are intimately connected with this Mother of Piety, and if they would all begin to solicit her intercession from their whole heart, the world would find some relief.


I will not longer withhold from men this mystical City of refuge; describe and delineate it to them, as far as thy shortcomings allow.


I do not intend that thy descriptions and declarations of the life of the Blessed Virgin shall be mere opinions or contemplations, but reliable truth.


They that have ears to hear, let them hear. Let those who thirst come to the living waters and leave the dried-out cisterns; let those that are seeking for the light, follow it to the end. Thus speaks the Lord God Almighty!”

谁若有耳朵,就听罢!愿口渴的人离开乾涸的池子到活水那里;愿寻求光明的人,跟从光明到底。全能的上主天主如此说! 」

11.   These are the words of the Most High on the occasion before mentioned.


Obedient to the authority, which commands me, I will in the following chapter describe the manner in which I receive my information and enlightenment, and how I see the Lord.


Thus complying with his orders, I will explain, once for all, the illuminations and the favors which are vouchsafed to me for this work and to which I will refer in the sequel of this history.



上一篇:005天主的奥秘之城第一册第1卷第1章5 介绍天上母后的生活2
下一篇:007天主的奥秘之城第一册第1卷第2章 上主向我显明天上元后生命的奥秘


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