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039天主的奥秘之城第一册第2卷第9章 天上至圣的元后所操练的智德
039天主的奥秘之城第一册第2卷第9章 天上至圣的元后所操练的智德
浏览次数:1528 更新时间:2021-12-31






533. As the acts of the understanding go before the acts of the will and direct them on the way, the virtues pertaining to the exercise of the understanding also precede those of the will. Although the proper sphere of the intellect is to recognize the truth and comprehend it, thereby perhaps causing a doubt whether it can be classed as a virtue (for virtue of its very nature consists in tending toward and practicing the good) ; yet it is certain that there are also intellectual virtues, the practice of which is praiseworthy in proportion as they conform to reason and truth ; for these are the proper good of the intellect.

533. 当理智的行为先于意志的行为并引导意志的行为时,操练与理智活动有关的美德也先于操练意志的美德。虽然理智的适当范围是认识和理解真理,因此也许会引起怀疑,它是否可以被归类为一种美德(因为美德的本质在于趋向和实践善); 然而,可以肯定的是,也有理智的美德,这种美德的实践是值得称赞的,因为它们符合理性和真理; 因为这些是理智的正当利益。  

When therefore it proposes truth to the will and instructs the will to follow its guidance, then this act of the intellect is theologically good, when matters of faith are concerned, and morally good when, as for instance in the exercise of prudence, the operations of the appetites are regulated. On this account the virtue of prudence comes first as pertaining to the proper use of the understanding.


It is as it were the root of the other cardinal and moral virtues; for these others are praiseworthy when accompanied by prudence, and faulty and reprehensible when devoid of it.


534. The sovereign Queen Mary possessed this virtue of prudence in supreme excellence and in proportion to the height of her other virtues already described and yet to be described. On account of her wonderful prudence the Church calls her the “Virgin most prudent.”

534. 至尊元后玛利亚拥有这种卓越至上的智德,与她已经描述过和有待描述的其它圣德的高度成正比。由于她绝妙的智德,教会称她为“极智贞女”。

As this virtue governs all the others and as this whole history treats of the exercise of these virtues in the most holy Mary, all of what little I can say and manifest of this sea of prudence will be nothing else than a continual implied reference to her prudence, and all her works will show the splendor of this virtue.


Therefore I will speak here more in general of the prudence of the sovereign Queen, exhibiting the different parts and qualities of prudence as taught us by teachers and saints, in order that we may thereby obtain a better understanding of it in her regard.


535. Of the three kinds of prudence called political, purgative and that of a soul already purified or perfect, none was wanting in our Queen and they were hers in the highest degree. For, although all her faculties were most pure and perfect, or in other words, had no need of being purified from any faultiness or opposition to virtue, yet they could be improved as regards the natural knowledge and in as far as the progress from goodness and holiness to greatest goodness and holiness was concerned.

535. 在称为政治的、炼净的、和已经净化已经成全的灵魂的三种智德中,我们的元后没有缺乏任何一种,并且三种智德在她内达到了最高程度。因为,虽然她的所有才能都是最纯洁和成全的,或者换句话说,不需要从任何缺点或相反美德的行为中净化,然而,就自然知识而言,从良善和圣洁到至善和至洁的进展而言,这些智德是可以得到改进的。


This must be understood of course only of her own works, as far as they are compared with each other, and not in as far as they are brought into comparison with the works of others. For in comparison with the works of other saints there was no great or small in this City of God, whose foundations are above the holy mountains.


But in her own works, since they grew in charity and grace from the first moment of her Conception, some of them, though in themselves most perfect and superior to all the works of the saints, were less perfect in comparison with other acts of a later period in her life.


536. Political prudence in general is that which ponders and weighs all that is to be done and reduces it to the dictates of reason, eschewing all that is not just and good. The purgative or purifying prudence is that which disposes and selects all things in such a way as to rectify the heart by divine contemplation toward all celestial things.

536. 一般而言,“政治的智德”是考虑和权衡所有要做的事情并将其归结为理性的指示,避免一切不公正和不美好的事情。“炼净或净化的智德”是以这种方式来处置和选择一切事物,以便通过对所有天国的事物的神圣默观来纠正心灵。


The prudence of the purified or perfect soul is that which directs and centres all the affections upon the highest Good, as if no other object existed. All these kinds of prudence existed in most holy Mary in order that She might distinguish and know without fail, direct and accomplish without remissness or tardiness, what ever is most perfect and excellent in the fulfillment of her works. Never did the judgment of this sovereign Lady in the whole range of her activity, dictate or attach itself to anything which was not the best and most proper.


No one ever equaled Her in disposing and directing all visible or worldly matters so as to make them useful for divine contemplation. Therefore having perceived them so intimately and in so many different lights of knowledge,She was united in such a manner to the highest Good by divine love that no preoccupation or hindrance ever prevented Her from resting completely in the centre of her love.


537. It is manifest also that all the component parts of prudence existed in their entirety in our Queen. The first is memory, which retains in the mind things already experienced in the past. From past experiences are drawn many rules for proceeding and acting in the present and in the future ; because prudence concerns itself with particular actions, and as there cannot be a general rule for all of them, it is necessary to draw special rules from many past examples and experiences stored up in the memory.

537. 同样明显的是,智德的所有组成部分都完整地存在于我们的女王身上。第一个组成部分是记忆,它将过去已经经历过的事情保存在头脑中。从过去的经验中得出了许多在现在和将来进行和行动的规则; 因为智德关注的是特定的行为,不可能对所有的行为都有一个普遍的规则,所以有必要从记忆中储存的许多过去的例子和经验中得出特殊的规则。  

Our Sovereign was so endowed with it that She never experienced the natural defect of forgetfulness; for that which once She had understood and learnt, was ever present and immovable in her memory. In regard to this blessing most pure Mary transcended the whole human and even the angelic order, because God made Her a summary of all that was most perfect in both of them.



She contained in Herself all the essential goodness of the human nature and all that was most perfect and the farthest removed from blemish in the accidental qualities of man; and many of the natural and many of the supernatural gifts of the angelic nature She possessed by special privilege and in a higher degree than the angels themselves. One of these gifts was a fixed and constant memory, incapable of forgetting what She had learnt. In regard to her memory She excelled the angels in the same proportion as She excelled them in the virtue of prudence.


538. Only in one respect this blessing was limited in a mysterious manner by the humble purity of the most holy Mary : if the images of all things were to be fixed in the memory, it was unavoidable, that also much that springs from the vileness and sinfulness of creatures, should fill its sacred precincts.


Therefore the most humble and pure Princess besought the Lord that the full gift of memory should not extend itself toward the preservation of these images, but only in so far as was necessary for the exercise of fraternal charity towards her neighbor and for the practice of other virtues. The Most High granted this petition more in testimony of her most humble purity than on account of any danger, to which these images could expose Her; for the sun is not harmed by the impurities which it may shine upon, nor are the angels disturbed by our vileness, since to the pure all things are pure (Tit. 1, 15).



But in this regard the Lord of the angels wished to privilege his Mother more than them; He wished to tolerate in her memory only those images which pertain to the highest sanctity, honesty, cleanliness and the most amiable purity, and what was most pleasing to Himself. Thus her most holy soul, in regard to these things, was without blemish, and her memory was adorned with the representations of all that is most pure and desirable.


539. Another component part of the virtue of prudence is the intelligence which principally concerns itself with what is to be done in the present moment. It is a correct and profound understanding of the reasons and the principles, according to which virtuous actions are to be performed. It reduces this understanding into action, not only in so far as to give a comprehensive knowledge of the excellence of virtue in general, but also in so far as to direct our activity in the proper channel for performing there and then each particular work in a virtuous and perfect manner.

539. 智德的另一个组成部分是智慧,它主要关注当下要做什么。正确而深刻地理解了行善的缘由和道理。智慧将这种理解转化为行动,不仅是为了全面了解一般美德的卓越性,而且是为了指导我们的活动在适当的渠道中,以善良而完美的方式履行一个特定的工作。

Thus when I have a deep understanding of the precept: “Do nothing unto others what thou wishest not to be done unto thyself,” I will at once know that I shall not do this or that particular injury, because it would seem a wrong if done to me or some one else. This kind of intelligence most holy Mary possessed in so much the higher degree than all the rest of creatures, as She exceeded them in knowledge of the moral virtues, in profound penetration regarding infallible rectitude, and in participation of the divine righteousness.


In the light of this intelligence, derived from the splendors of the Divinity itself, there could be no deceit, no ignorance, no doubt, no mere opinions, as is the case with other creatures. For She understood and penetrated all the truths, both in their general and their particular bearings, and especially as far as their practical application in the matter of virtue is concerned, seeing them as they are in themselves. Thus it must be held that this part of prudence was hers in an unequalled fullness and plenitude.

在这种源自天主性本身智慧的光芒之下,就不会有欺骗、无知、怀疑、粗陋的看法,就像其他受造物的情况一样。 因为她理解并洞悉了所有真理,无论是在它们的普遍意义还是特殊意义,尤其是就它们在美德问题上的实际应用,看清它们的本来面目。因此,我们必须认为,这部分智德是她的无与伦比的充实和丰富。


540. The third component part of prudence is called providence. It is the most important of all the parts of prudence, for in human actions it is most important that the present be well ordered toward the future, so that all things may be rightly adjusted. This is effected by providence.

540. 智德的第三个组成部分称为远见。它是智德的所有部分中最重要的部分,因为在人类行为中,最重要的是将现在安排妥当,面向未来,以便正确调整一切。而这是受远见影响的。

Our Lady and Queen practiced this part of prudence in a degree even more excellent (if possible) than all the other parts of prudence; for besides the vivid memory of the past and the profound understanding of things present, She had an unerring knowledge and understanding of things to come, to which her providence extended itself.


With this knowledge and infused science She so arranged all happenings that they were a preparation for the future and nothing could come upon Her unawares or by surprise. All things were by Her foreseen, considered and weighed beforehand in the sanctuary of her mind, illumined by infused light. Thus without a shade of doubt or uncertainty, such as is the lot of other men, She awaited the events before their arrival with unerring certitude, so that for all things She found a place, a time and opportune circumstances directing them all toward the Good.


541. These three parts of prudence comprehend the activity of the intellect in the practice of this virtue, for they secure the good order of our actions in regard to past, the present and the future. However, when we consider this virtue under another aspect, namely in so far as it perceives the proper means for the practice of virtue and directs the will to employ them rightly, the teachers and philosophers mention five other points or different kind of activities of prudence, namely ; docility, reasonableness, cleverness, circumspection and caution.

541. 智德的这三个部分理解了在实践这种美德中的知性的活动,因为它们确保我们在过去、现在和未来的行为的良好秩序。然而,当我们从另一个方面考虑这种美德时,也就是说,当它认识到实行美德的适当手段,并指导意志正确地运用这些手段时,圣师和哲学家提到了另外五点或不同类型的智德活动,即温顺、理性、聪明、慎重和小心。

Docility is the good judgment and readiness of the creature to be taught by others better informed than itself, and a disposition not inflated by its own knowledge, and not resting unduly on its own insight and wisdom. Reason ableness, or the power of drawing correct inferences, consists in reasoning without error from generally understood principles to the particular course of action in each single case. Cleverness is a diligent attention and practical application of our activity to that which happens, enabling us to judge rightly and follow the best course of action, just as docility is attention to the teachings of others.


Circumspection is a just consideration of the circumstances connected with each good work; for it is not sufficient that the end of our actions be good, but it is necessary to consider the opportuneness of the circumstances. Cautiousness is a discreet attention to the dangers or impediments, so that when they occur under cover of virtue or unexpectedly, we may not be found rash or unprepared.


542. All these complements of prudence existed in the Queen of heaven without any faultiness and in their fullest perfection. Docility belonged to Mary as the legitimate daughter of her incomparable humility; for though She had received the plenitude of science from the moment of her Immaculate Conception, and though She was the teacher and the mother of true wisdom, She nevertheless allowed Herself to be taught by her elders, by her equals and by those below Her, esteeming Herself as lower than all of them and seeking to be a disciple of those who in comparison to Her were most ignorant.

542. 所有这些智德的补充都存在于元后身上,没有任何缺陷,而且是最成全的。温顺属于玛利亚,她是无比谦逊的真正的女儿;因为虽然她从无玷始胎的那一刻起就接受了丰富的知识,虽然她是真正智慧的导师和母亲,但她仍然允许自己接受长辈、同辈和比她低的人的教导,把自己看的比他们都低,想要做那些跟她比起来最无知的人的弟子。

This docility She exhibited during all her life like a most simple dove, disguising her wisdom with a greater prudence than that of the serpent (Matth. 10, 16). As a Child She accepted instruction from her parents, from her teacher in the temple, from her companions, and later on from her spouse saint Joseph, from the Apostles ; from all creatures She wished to learn, being a prodigy of humility, as I have said in another place (No. 406, 472).

她一生都表现出这种温顺,就像一只最单纯的鸽子,用比蛇更谨慎的方式来掩饰她的智慧(玛窦福音10:16)。作为一个孩子,她接受了父母、圣殿导师、同伴的教导,后来又接受了她的净配圣若瑟和宗徒们的教导;她愿意从所有的受造物中学习,作为一个谦逊的奇迹,正如我在另一个地方所说的(第 406、472节)。


543. The reasonableness or prudent judgment of most holy Mary can be easily inferred from what saint Luke says of Her: that She kept and pondered in her heart the mysterious events in the life of her most holy Son. This pondering was the reasoning which She employed, comparing cause with cause in the order in which they occurred and happened, and by this comparison She formed for Herself most prudent counsels, which enabled Her to act with the perfection peculiar to Her.

543. 至圣玛利亚的“理性或审慎”判断可以从圣史路加对她的评价中轻易推断出来:她将至圣圣子生命中的奥秘事件默存于心,并深思熟虑。这种思考是她使用的推理,按照它们发生的原因与发生原因的顺序进行比较,通过这种比较,她为自己制定了最谨慎的方案,这使她能够以她特有的完美行事。

Although She very often understood many things without the discourse of reasoning by a simple intuition and intelligence which exceeded all human understanding; yet, as far as the actual exercise of the virtues was concerned, She applied this process of reasoning from the abstract principles of virtue to her own practice of them.


544. In regard to cleverness and diligent application of the rules of prudence the sovereign Lady also was highly privileged ; for She was not weighed down by the heavy load of human passion and corruption, and thus She felt not our languors and tardiness in her faculties,but She was always alert, ready and very skillful in noticing and attending to all that was necessary to come to a correct and wholesome conclusion in the performance of virtuous actions, and in striking, readily and quickly, the happy medium of virtue in her doings.

544. 关于智德规则的“聪明和勤奋”的应用,至尊圣母也享有很高的特权;因为她没有被人类的欲望和腐败的沉重负担压倒,因此在她的能力中也不会感到我们有的疲倦和迟缓,但她总是警觉、有备、非常熟练的注意到一切必要的事,以便在展示圣德的行为中得到正确和健康的结论,并且在她的行为中,快捷而迅速地表现出美德的中庸之道。

Equally admirable was most holy Mary in her circumspection; for all her works were so accomplished that no point of perfection was missing, and all of them stand forth in the highest perfection possible. And as the greater part of her actions were works of charity towards the neighbor, and all of them most opportune; therefore in all her teaching, admonishing, consoling, beseeching and correcting of her neighbor, the efficacious sweetness of her reasonable and pleasing manners met with its full success.


545. The last complement of prudence, called cautiousness, which meets and evades the impediments of virtue, was necessarily also possessed by the Queen of angels in a greater perfection than by these spirits ; for her exalted wisdom and the love which accompanied it, incited Her to such caution and foresight, that no event which might be an impediment in the exercise of the most perfect virtue, found Her unprepared and unprovided with a counter remedy.

545. 智德的最后一种补充,称为“谨慎”,它满足和避免美德的障碍,天使的元后必定也比这些精神体更完美的拥有谨慎的美德;由于她崇高的智慧和与之相伴的爱心,激励她如此谨慎和深谋远虑,以致任何可能阻碍她行使最完美圣德的事情,都不会让她感到措手不及,无法提供补救措施。

And since the enemy, as will be described later on, not being able to find any hold in her passions, exerted himself so much in placing elaborate and unheard of obstacles in her way, the most prudent Virgin had occasion to practice this caution many times, thereby exciting the wonder of the Apostles.


On account of the cautious discretion of the most holy Mary the demon pursued Her with a terrified wrath and envy, burning with a desire to know by what power She foiled such powerful machinations and cunning snares as he devised in order to hinder or draw Her away. For in every instance he was vanquished and had to be witness of the most perfect exercise of all that is virtuous in all her under takings and works.


546. After having mentioned and described the parts and complements of prudence, let us also examine the different species or kinds, into which it can be divided, according to the object or the ends to which it is applied.

546. 在介绍并解释了智德的三个组成部分和五点补充活动之后,让我们再看看不同的种类,根据它所适用的对象或目的,可以分为几类。

Prudence can be used either in our own actions and affairs, or for the affairs of others, and thus arise two kinds of prudence, directing the activity which concerns ourselves, and that which concerns our neighbors. That which governs one's own particular activity is called enarchicanarchic prudence, and in reference to the Queen of heaven, it is not necessary to say more in proof of her having exercised this kind of prudence, than what has already been said above about the manner in which She regulated her own life.


The prudence which regulates the government of others is called pollyarchic ; this is subdivided into four kinds, according to four different ways of governing others. The first kind is that which facilitates the government of countries by just and useful laws ; it is proper to kings, princes and monarchs and of all those whose authority is supreme.


The second kind is called the political prudence, which has its name from the fact that it teaches the right government of cities or republics. The third is called economical prudence, which shows how to govern and manage domestic affairs of the family or particular homes. The fourth is military prudence, which is adapted to prosecution of wars and management of armies.


547. None of these different kinds of prudence was wanting in our great Queen. All were given to Her as habits in the instant of her Conception and of her sanctification so that no grace, no virtue, no perfection which might exalt and beautify Her above all creatures, might be wanting in Her. The Most High made Her an archive and depositary of all his gifts, an example to all the rest of creation thus giving an exhibition of his power and greatness, so that in the whole heavenly Jerusalem it might be known what He could and would do for a mere creature.

547. 在我们伟大的元后身上,所有这些谨慎她都不缺乏。在她受孕和成圣的那一刹那,所有的这一切谨慎都被赋予她并成为与之样伴的美德,这样她在恩宠、圣德和完美上,胜过所有受造物。至高者使元后成为诸恩宠的保管者、管理者、分发者,成为所有其他受造物的榜样,从而展示了天主的大能和伟大,这样,在整个天上的耶路撒冷,就可以知道天主赏给玛丽亚整个人类生命的满全

And in Mary these sublime habits of virtue did not lie idle, for all of them She exercised in the course of her life on many occasions as they offered themselves. As regards economical prudence it is well known how incomparable was the government of her domestic affairs, when living with her spouse Joseph and with her most holy Son ; for in his education and service She acted with such prudence as was befitting the most occult mystery which God entrusted to men, as I shall show in another place, according to my understanding and ability.


548. She exercised also the governing or monarchical prudence as the sole Empress of the Church, teaching, advising and directing the sacred Apostles in the primitive Church, thus helping to lay its foundation and to initiate the laws, rites and ceremonies most necessary and useful for its propagation and establishment.

548. 作为教会独一的元后,玛利亚也行使统治或君主的智德,教导、建议、和引领初始教会中的神圣宗徒,从而为帮助教会奠定基础,并开创最必要和最有用的法律、礼仪和仪式。

Though She obeyed the Apostles in particular matters, and consulted especially saint Peter as the vicar of Christ and the head of the Church, and saint John as her chaplain, yet they and all the Christians asked her advice and followed it in the general and particular matters relating to the government of the Church.


She also taught the Christian kings and princes who approached Her for counsel ; for many of them sought to know Her after the Ascension of her most holy Son into heaven. Among them especially can be mentioned the three Kings of the East, when they  came to adore the Child. She explained and instructed them in all that they must do for their states, with such light and clearness that She was their star and guide on the way to eternity.


They returned to their country enlightened, consoled and astonished at the wisdom, prudence and sweetness of the words which they had heard from the mouth of a tender Maiden. In witness of all he high praise which this Queen deserved in this regard, it is enough to hear her own words :”By me, kings reign, and law-givers decree just things, by me princes rule”(Prov. 8, 16).

他们回到自己的国家后,从一位温柔少女口中听到的智慧、谨慎和甜蜜的话语使他们受到了启迪、安慰和惊讶。为见证这位天后在这方面应得的所有高度赞扬,只要听听她自已的话就足够了:”藉着我,君王统治,元首秉公行义,藉着我,王侯治理邦土”(箴言 8:16)。

[经文〈箴 8:14–16〉:机谋才智,属我所有;聪明勇敢,亦属于我。藉着我,君王执政,元首秉公行义;藉着我,统治者统治,王侯治理邦土。]

549. Neither was the political prudence wanting in Her; for She taught the republics and nations, and the primitive Christians in particular, how  to proceed in public acts and government of their country, how they must obey kings and secular princes, their prelates and bishops, how they are to convoke councils, issue the definitions and decrees resolved upon. Even military prudence found a place in the sovereign Queen, for also in this direction She was consulted by some of the faithful, and She instructed and taught them what was required to carry on a just war with their enemies, so as to conduct them according to the justice and pleasure of the Lord.

549. 她身上也不缺少政治上的谨慎; 因为她教导那些共和国和民族,特别是初期教会的基督徒,他们如何必须服从国王和世俗王侯,他们的教长和主教,他们如何召集议会,发布已解决的规定和法令。甚至军事上的谨慎在至尊的元后身上也占有一席之地,因为在这个方向上,一些信徒也向她咨询过,她指示和教导他们与敌人进行正义战争所需的知识,以便根据天主的公义和喜悦指挥(带领)他们。

Here can also be mentioned the courage and prudence with which this powerful Lady vanquished the prince of darkness, teaching us thereby how we must battle with him; for She overcame him by an exalted wisdom and prudence, greater than that shown by David in his combat with the giant, or by Judith with Holofernes, or by Esther with Aman (I Kings, 17, 50, Judith 13, 10, Esth.7, 6).


[经文〈撒母耳纪上,17:50〉:如此,达味用投石器和石头,得胜了那培肋舍特人,打中了他,将他杀死,虽然手无寸铁。经文〈友弟德传,13:10〉:使女把头放进食袋里。然后二人一起,照习惯出外祈祷去了。二人经过兵营,绕过山谷,爬上拜突里雅山,来到了自己的城门下。经文〈艾斯德尔传, 7:6〉:艾斯德尔答说:「这仇人和死敌,就是这败类哈曼。」哈曼立时在君王及王后前,惊惶万分。]

Even if all these kinds of prudence had not been needed for the actions mentioned, yet it was proper, that this Mother of wisdom, aside of their being befitting ornaments of her most holy soul, should possess them on account of her being the Mediatrix and sole Advocate of this world. For as She was to procure by her intercession all the blessings, which God would bestow upon the human race, and since none of them were to be granted without her intercession, it was necessary, that She should know perfectly all the virtues, which She was to obtain for men, and that these blessings, next to God, their uncreated beginning, should flow from Her as from an original source.


550. There are other helps, which are attached to the virtue of prudence and which are called potential parts, being as it were instruments with which prudence works. They are, synesis, or the aptitude and readiness to form sane judgments; eubulia, the faculty of giving and suggesting good counsel; gnome, which teaches what exceptions can justly be made to general rules; and this latter is necessary for the use of epikeia, which enables us to judge what particular cases are to be decided by rules higher than the ordinary.

550. 还有其他的帮助,它们附属于谨慎的美德,被称为潜在的部分,就像那能使谨慎起作用的工具一样。 它们是:承先启后的能力(synesis),形成明智判断的能力和准备;谋略(eubulia),提供和建议良好忠告的能力;(机智)gnome,它教导了对一般规则可以公正地做出哪些例外;而这后者与权宜措施(epikeia)一起使用是必要的,它使我们能够判断哪些特殊情况将由高于普通的规则来决定。

All these perfections and excellences adorned the prudence of most holy Mary, so that no one could give such unerring counsel in all possible contingencies, nor could any one, not even the most exalted angel, form such correct judgment in all things as She. Above all was our most prudent Queen skilled in the higher principles and rules of action, and such as were above the ordinary and common laws ; but it would require a long discourse even to mention the instances here : many of them will be understood in the sequel of this history of her most holy life.


In order to conclude this chapter on the prudence of the blessed Virgin, it is only necessary to say, that the rule by which it is to be measured, is none else than the prudence of the soul of Christ, our Lord ; for it was conformed and as similated entirely to his, since She was to be the Coadjutrix in all the works of wisdom and prudence, performed by the Lord of all creation and Savior of the world.





551. My daughter, I wish, that all that thou hast written and that thou hast understood in this chapter, be to thee an instruction and a reminder of what, I have taught thee for the government of thy actions. Write in thy heart and fix in thy mind the memory of all that thou hast learnt of my prudence in all that I have thought, desired and executed.

551. 我的女儿,我希望,你在本章中所写的和你所理解的,对你来说都是一个指示和提醒,我已经教过你管理你的行为。从我所想、所愿、和所行的智德中,将所学的写在你的心里,铭记在你的记忆里。

Let this light guide thee through the midst of the darkness of human ignorance, so that thou mayst not be disturbed or confounded by the luring passions, nor especially by the malice and snares laid thee by the watchful malice of thy enemies, seeking to infect thy understanding. Not to be endowed with all the perfections of prudence, is not culpable in the creature; but to be negligent in learning the rules of prudence after having been instructed how to attain this knowledge, is a serious fault and the cause of many mistakes and errors in the conduct of affairs.


On account of this negligence the passions countermand, impede, and obstruct the dictates of prudence. This is especially the case with disorderly sorrow and excessive enjoyment, which are apt to pervert the just estimation of good or bad. Thence arise two dangerous vices: precipitation in our actions, impelling us to undertake things without considering the proper means of success, and inconstancy in our good resolutions and in the works once begun.

由于这种疏忽,情欲会反对、防碍和阻挠智德的指挥。尤其是无序的悲伤和过度的享受,容易扭曲对好坏的公正判断。 这就产生了两种危险的恶习:一是行动草率,迫使我们在做事时不考虑适当的成功方法;二是,我们有好的开始,有决心做好一件事,但却反复无常,无法坚持下去。

Ungoverned anger or indiscreet fervor, both cause us to be precipitate or remiss in many of our exterior actions, because they are performed without proper moderation and counsel. Hasty judgment and want of firmness in pursuing the good, cause the soul imprudently to desist from its laudable enterprise ; for it gives easy admittance to that, which is opposed to the true good, and is highly pleased, now with the true goodness, then again with what is but apparent and deceitful or is presented by the passions or by the demon.

无节制的愤怒或轻率的热情,都会使我们在许多外在行为中变得冲动或疏忽,因为这些行为是在没有适当的节制和建议的情况下进行的。在追求善的过程中,草率的判断和缺乏坚定的意志,会使灵魂轻率地停止其值得称赞的事业; 因为这坏秉性很容易承认那与真正的良善相反的东西,它时而对良善非常满意,时而又对那些表面的、欺骗性的、或由情欲或魔鬼表现出来的东西非常满意。  

552. Against all these dangers I wish to see thee watchful and provident ; and thou wilt be so, if  thou attend to the example, which I gave thee in my life, and if thou obey the instructions and counsels of thy spiritual guides; for without them thou must do nothing, if thou wishest to proceed with docile discretion. Be assured, that the Most High will give thee plentiful wisdom; for a pure submissive and docile heart will draw from Him superabundant aid.

552. 面对所有这些危险,我希望看到你保持警惕和谨慎;如果你遵守我在生活中给你的榜样,如果你服从你的神师的指导和忠告,你就会始终谨慎;因为如果你想以顺从的谨慎行事,没有它们你就什么也做不了。请放心,至高者会赐给你丰富的智慧;因为一颗纯真的顺服和温顺的心会从祂那里得到丰盛的帮助。

Keep in mind always the misfortune of the imprudent and foolish virgins, who, in their thoughtless negligence, rejected wise counsel and cast aside fear, instead of being solicitous; and when after wards they sought to make up for it, they found the portal of salvation closed against them (Matth. 25, 12).See to it, therefore, my daughter, that thou unite the simplicity of the dove with the prudence of the serpent, and then thy works shall be perfect.

永远记住那些轻率和糊涂的童女的不幸,因为她们粗心大意,拒绝了明智的童女建议,摒弃了敬畏,而不是关心;当她们试图弥补时,她们发现救恩的门户对她们关闭了(玛窦福音 25:12)。 因此,我的女儿,请注意将鸽子的单纯与蛇的谨慎结合起来,然后你的工作就会成全。

[经文〈玛窦福音25:12〉:他却答说:我实在告诉你们:我不认识你们。 ]


上一篇:038天主的奥秘之城第一册第2卷第8章 关于至圣圣母玛利亚的爱德
下一篇:040天主的奥秘之城第一册第2卷第10章 关于至圣玛利亚所操练的义德


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