天主的奥秘之城 第一册(胡文浩 紫微雷塔小德兰译 杨开勇校阅)列表
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005天主的奥秘之城第一册第1卷第1章5 介绍天上母后的生活2
005天主的奥秘之城第一册第1卷第1章5 介绍天上母后的生活2
浏览次数:2045 更新时间:2020-12-28


The first treats of all that pertains tothe first fifteen years of her life, from the moment of her most pureConception until the moment when in her virginal womb the eternal Word assumedflesh, including all that the Most High performed for Mary during these years.


The second part embraces the mystery ofthe Incarnation, the whole life of Christ our Lord, his Passion and Death andhis Ascension into heaven, thus describing the life of our Queen in union withthat of her divine Son and all that She did while living with Him.


The third part contains the life of theMother of grace during the time She lived alone, deprived of the companionshipof Christ our Redeemer, until the happy hour of her transition, assumption andcrowning as the Empress of heaven, where She is to live eternally as theDaughter of the Father, the Mother of the Son and the Spouse of the Holy Ghost.


These three parts I subdivided intoeight books, in order that they may be more convenient for use and alwaysremain the subject of my thoughts, the spur of my will and my meditation dayand night.


19.   Inorder to say something of the time in which I wrote this heavenly history, itmust be noticed that my father, brother Francis Coronel, and my mother, sisterCatharine de Arana, my parents, founded in their own house this convent of thediscalced nuns of the Immaculate Conception by the command and the will of God,which was declared to my mother, sister Catharine, in a special vision andrevelation.


This foundation took place on the octaveof the Epiphany, January 13th, 1619.


On the same day we took the habit, my motherand her two daughters; and my father took refuge in the order of our seraphicFather Saint Francis, in which two of his sons had already been living asreligious.


There he took the habit, made hisprofession, lived an exemplary life, and died a most holy death.


My mother and myself received the veilon the day of the Purification of the Queen of heaven, on the second ofFebruary, 1620.


On account of the youth of the otherdaughter her profession was delayed.


The Almighty in his sheer goodnessfavored our family so much, that all of us were consecrated to Him in thereligious state.


In the eighth year of the foundation ofthis convent, in the twenty-fifth of my age, in the year of our Lord 1627, holyobedience imposed upon me the office of abbess, which to this day I unworthilyhold.


During the first ten years of the timein which I held this office, I received many commands from the Most High andfrom the Queen of heaven to write her holy life, and I continued in fear anddoubt to resist these heavenly commands during all that time until the year1637, when I began to write it the first time.


On finishing it, being full of fears andtribulations, and being so counseled by a confessor (who directed me during theabsence of my regular confessor), I burned all the writing containing not onlythis history, but many other grave and mysterious matters; for he told me, thatwomen should not write in the Church.


I obeyed his commands promptly; but Ihad to endure most severe reproaches on this account from my superiors and fromthe confessor, who knew my whole life.


In order to force me to rewrite thishistory, they threatened me with censures.


The Most High and the Queen of heavenalso repeated their commands that I obey.


During this second writing, so abundantwas the light concerning the divine Essence, so copious were the blessings ofthe divine right hand for the renewal and vivification of my soul in theteachings of my heavenly Mother, so perfect  [注意 这里似乎遗漏些原文?]


By divine favor I begin rewriting thishistory on the eighth of December, 1655, on the day of the ImmaculateConception.




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