天主的奥秘之城(胡文浩 紫微雷塔小德兰译 杨开勇校阅)列表
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008天主的奥秘之城第二册第1卷第8章 我们伟大的元后,在上主的面前,恳求加速道成肉身和人类的救赎
008天主的奥秘之城第二册第1卷第8章 我们伟大的元后,在上主的面前,恳求加速道成肉身和人类的救赎
浏览次数:938 更新时间:2022-11-7







87.   The heavenly Princess, most holy Mary, had now attained such fullness of grace and beauty and the heart of God was so wounded by her tender affections and desires (Cant. 4, 9), that He was so to say irresistibly drawn to begin his flight from the bosom of the eternal Father to the bridal-chamber of her virginal womb and end the long delay of more than five thousand years..




[经文〈雅歌 4: 9〉:我的妹妺,我的新娘,你夺去了我的心!你回目一顾,你项链上的一颗珍珠,夺去了我的心。 (雅歌 4:9)


Nevertheless, since this new wonder was to be executed in the plenitude of his wisdom and equity, the Lord arranged this event in such a way, that the Princess of the heavens Herself, being the worthy Mother of the incarnate Word, should at the same time be also the most powerful Mediatrix of his coming and the Redeemer of his people much more than Esther was of Israel (Esther ch. 7 and 8).


In the heart of most holy Mary burned the flame, which God himself had enkindled, and without intermission She prayed for the salvation of the human race. However, as yet the most humble Lady restrained Herself in modesty, knowing that on account of the sin of Adam, the sentence of death and of eternal privation from the vision of God had been promulgated (Gen. 3, 19).


[经文〈创世纪 3: 19〉:你必须汗流满面,才有饭吃,直到你归于土中,因为你是由土来的;你既是灰土,你还要归于灰土。]

88.   A heavenly strife thus arose in the most pure heart of Mary between her love and her humility, and, lost in these sentiments, She repeated many times: “Oh who shall be able to secure the salvation of my brethren! Oh who shall be able to draw from the bosom of the eternal Father his Onlybegotten and make Him a partaker of our mortality!


Oh who shall oblige Him to give to our human nature the kiss of his mouth, for which the bride asks Him! (Cant. 1, 1).


哦,谁会使祂给我们的人性一个吻,这是新娘所求的!(雅歌 1: 1


[经文〈雅歌 1: 1〉:願君以熱吻與我接吻!因為你的愛撫甜於美酒。]

But how can we, the children and descendants of the malefactor, who committed the crime, ask for this favor?


How can we draw Him toward us, whom our fathers repelled? Oh my Love, if I could but see Thee at the breasts of thy Mother, the human nature! (Cant 8, 1).


[经文〈雅歌 8: 1〉:万望你是我的兄弟,吮过我母亲的乳房,好叫我在外边遇见你时,能亲吻你,而不致受人轻视。]

Oh Light of lights, God of the true God, would that Thou descend, bending down thy heavens (Ps. 143, 5) and shedding thy light upon those that live sitting in darkness! (Is. 9, 2).

上主,求你将天低垂,亲自降凡,(圣咏144:5),将你的光照亮那些坐在黑暗中的人!(依撒意亚 9:2)

[经文〈圣咏 144: 5〉:上主,求你将天低垂,亲自降凡,你一触摸群山,群山立即冒烟。经文〈依撒意亚 9: 2〉:你加强了他们的快乐,扩大了他们的欢喜;他们在你面前欢乐,有如人收割时的欢乐,又如分赃时的愉快;]

Would that Thou pacify thy Father, and, by thy right hand that is by his Onlybegotten, hurl the proud Aman, thy enemy, the devil, from his height!


Who shall be the Mediatrix, who shall draw from the celestial altar, as with tongs of gold (Is. 6, 6), that ember of the Divinity, for the purification of the world, as once did the seraphim, according to the word of the prophet Isaias!”


[经文〈依撒意亚 6: 6〉:当时有一个色辣芬飞到我面前,手中拿着钳子,从祭坛上取了一块火炭,]

89.   This prayer most holy Mary repeated during the eighth day of her preparation, and at midnight, being wrapped and entranced in the Lord, She heard his Majesty responding to Her: “My Spouse and my Dove, come, my Chosen one, for the common law does not apply to thee.


Thou art exempt from sin and thou art free from its effects since the moment of thy Conception.


When I gave being to thee, I turned away from thee the sceptre of my justice and laid upon thy neck that of my great clemency, in order that the general edict of sin might not touch thee.


Come to Me, and be not dismayed in the consciousness of thy human nature; I am He, that raises the humble, and fills with riches those that are poor. Thou hast Me for thy Friend and my liberal mercies shall be at thy disposal.”


90.   These words our Queen heard intellectually and, as in the preceding night, She presently felt Herself raised by the holy angels bodily to heaven, while in her stead remained one of the angels of her guard.


Again She ascended to the presence of the Most High, so enriched by the treasures of his graces and gifts, so fortunate and beautiful, that She singularly excited the wonder of the supernal spirits.


They broke out in praise of the Almighty, saying: “Who is this, that ascends from the desert, overflowing with delights? (Cant. 8, 5).

他们欢呼赞美全能者,说:「从旷野里上来,那偎依着自己的爱人的,是谁?」(雅歌 8:5)

[经文〈雅歌 8: 5〉:从旷野里上来,那偎依着自己的爱人的,是谁? ]

Who is She, that so attracts and compels her Beloved as to bear Him with Her to the earthly habitation? Who is She, that rises as the dawn, more beautiful than the moon, chosen as the sun? (Cant. 6, 9).


她是谁,如此吸引和迫使她心爱的与她一同到尘世的居所?她是谁,像黎明一样升起,比月亮更美丽,被选如同太阳?(雅歌 6:9)

[经文〈雅歌 6: 9〉:但是,我的鸽子,我的完人,只有一个;她是她母亲的独生女,她是生养她者的爱女;少女见了她,都称她有福;皇后与嫔妃也都赞扬她。]

How refulgent doth She rise from the darkness of the earth? How is She so courageous and strong, being clothed in such fragile nature?


How does She in her strength overcome the Almighty?


And how comes it that the heavens, which are closed against the children of Adam, are thus thrown open to this singular Woman, sprung from the same race ?”


91.   The Most High received his holy and chosen Bride, most holy Mary, into his presence.


Although this happened not in an intuitive, but in an abstractive vision of the Divinity; it was accompanied with incomparable favors of light and purification proceeding from the Lord himself, such as were specially reserved for this day.


For they were so divine, that, in our way of speaking, God himself who wrought them, was astonished and was charmed with the work of his hand.


As if entranced with love, He spoke to Her and said: “Revertere, revertere, Sulamitis, ut intueamur te” (Return, return, O Sulamitess, that We may behold thee).

祂仿佛被爱迷住了,对她说:「Revertere, revertere, Sulamitis, ut intueamur te”(归来,归来,叔拉米特,让我们看看你)。」

[经文〈雅歌 7: 1〉:归来,归来!叔拉米特!归来,归来!让我们看看你!你们要看叔拉米特什么?看她在两队中舞蹈。 ]

“My Spouse, my most perfect and beloved Dove, pleasing in my sight, turn and advance toward Us, that We may behold thee and be charmed by thy beauty.


I do not regret to have created man and I delight in his formation, since thou hast been born of him.



Let my celestial spirits see how justly I have desired and do desire to choose thee as my Spouse and the Queen of all the creatures.


Let them see what good reason I have to rejoice in this my bridal chamber, from whence my Onlybegotten, next to that of my own bosom, shall derive the greatest glory.


Let all understand, that if I justly repudiated Eve, the first queen of the earth, on account of her disobedience, I now place thee and establish thee in the highest dignity, showing my magnificence and power in dealing with thy purest humility and self-abasement.”


92.   This day was for the angels a day of jubilation and rejoicing greater than any since their creation.


And when the most blessed Trinity thus chose and appointed his Spouse and Mother of the Word for the Queen and Lady of the creatures, the holy angels and all the celestial court of Spirits acknowledged and received Her as their Mistress and Superior, and they sung sweet hymns of glory in her honor and in praise of her Author.


During these hidden and admirable mysteries the heavenly Queen Mary was absorbed in the abyss of the Divinity and in the light of his infinite perfections: and thereby the Lord prevented Her from attending to all that happened.


Thus the sacrament of her Mothership of the Onlybegotten still remained hidden to Her until the proper time.


Never did the Lord deal in such a manner with any nation (Ps. 147, 20), nor did He ever show Himself so great and powerful in any creature, as on this day in most holy Mary.


[经文〈圣咏147: 20〉:他从未如此恩待过其他任何民族,也没有向他们宣示过自己的法律。 ]

93.The Most High added yet other favors, saying to Her with extreme condescension: “My chosen Spouse,since Thou hast found grace in my eyes, ask of Me without restraint, what thou desirest, and I assure thee, as the most faithful God and powerful King, that I shall not reject thy petitions nor deny thee what thou askest.”


Our great Princess humiliated Herself profoundly and relying on the promise and royal word of the Lord, and inspired with highest confidence, She answered saying: “My Lord and highest God, if I have found grace in thy eyes (Gen. 18, 3, 27), although I am dust and ashes, I will speak in thy divine presence and pour out to Thee my heart” (Ps. 61, 9).


[经文〈创世纪 18: 3〉:亞巴郎说:「我主如果我蒙你垂爱,请你不要由你仆人这里走过去, 」经文〈圣咏 6: 9〉:因此,我要常常歌颂祢的名号,为能使我日日偿还我的誓约

Again his Majesty assured Her and commanded Her to ask in the presence of all the heavenly court, for whatever She desired, even if it were a part of his kingdom (Esther 5, 3).


[经文〈艾斯德尔传5:3〉:君王问她说:「艾斯德尔后,你有什么事?你要求什么?即使要求一半江山,我也必赐给你!」 ]

“I do not ask, O Lord, for a part of thy kingdom in my own behalf,” answered most holy Mary, “but I ask for the whole of it for all the race of men, who are my brothers.


I beseech Thee, highest and powerful King, that according to thy immense kindness Thou send us thy Onlybegotten our Redeemer, in order that He may satisfy for the sins of all the world, that thy people may gain the freedom so much desired, and that, through the satisfaction thus rendered to thy justice, peace may be declared among men upon (Ezech. 34, 25) earth, and that the portals of heaven, closed by sin, may be thrown open for its inhabitants.


[经文〈厄则克尔 34:25〉:我要同他们订立平安盟约,使猛兽由那地上灭绝,他们便可在旷野中安居,在森林里安眠。 ]

Let all flesh see thy salvation (Is. 52, 10); let peace and justice give each other that close embrace and the kiss, which David asked for (Ps. 84, 11) ; let us mortals possess a Teacher, a Guide and a Savior (Is. 30, 20), a Chief, who shall live and dwell with us (Baruch. 3, 38).


[经文〈依撒意亚52:10〉:上主在万民眼前显露了自己的圣臂,大地四极看见了我们天主的救恩。 经文〈圣咏 85:11〉:仁爱和忠信必彼此相迎,正义与和平必彼此相亲。 经文〈依撒意亚 30:20〉:吾主纵然给你们困苦的食物和酸辛的水,但你的教师再不躲藏,你的眼睛必能常见到你的教师 。 经文〈巴路克 3:38〉:从此智慧在地上出现,与世人共相往还。 ]

Let the day of thy promises dawn upon us, O my God, let thy words be fulfilled, and let the Messias, expected for so many ages, arrive.


These are my anxious desires, and for this do I breathe forth my sighs, since Thou showest to me the condescension of thy infinite clemency.”


94.   The highest Lord, who wished to bind Himself by her prayer, disposed and incited the petitions of his beloved Spouse; benignly He inclined toward Her and answered Her with singular clemency: “Pleasing to my Will are thy requests, and acceptable are thy petitions: it shall be done as thou askest.


I desire, my Daughter and Spouse, what thou seekest; and as a pledge of this, I give thee my word and promise thee, that very shortly my Onlybegotten shall descend to the earth and shall vest Himself anunite Himself with the human nature.


Thus thy acceptable wishes shall be executed and fulfilled.”


95.   With this assurance and divine promise our great Queen Princess felt new enlightenment and security in her spirit, convincing Her, that the end of that long protracted and prolix night of sin and of the ancient Law was approaching and that the brightness of human Redemption was about to dawn.


And because the rays of the Sun of Justice, whose dawn was soon to arise from Her, so closely and so intensely enveloped Her about, She became Herself the most beautiful aurora, inflamed and refulgent as it were with the fiery clouds of the Divinity, which transformed all things within Her.


All afire with love and gratitude for the approaching Redemption, She gave unceasing praise to the Lord both in her own name and in that of all the mortals.


In this occupation She passed that day, after the angels had again restored Her to the earth.


I must grieve at my ignorance and shortcomings in explaining these so exalted mysteries; and if learned men and great students cannot give an adequate explanation of these things, how shall it be given by a poor and lowly woman?


May my ignorance be supplemented by the light of Christian charity and my presumption be atoned for by my obedience.





96.   My dearest daughter, how far removed is worldly wisdom from the admirable operations of the divine power in these sacraments of the Incarnation of the divine Word in my womb!

96.     我最亲爱的女儿,世的智慧与令人钦佩的神圣大能运作,使得天主圣言在我子宫内降生成人的圣事,相距有多么遥远啊

Flesh and blood cannot reach them, and not the angels and seraphim, though they be of the

highest; nor can they know mysteries so deeply hidden and so far above the ordinary course of grace.


Praise thou, my beloved, the Lord for them with incessant love and thankfulness.


Be thou not any longer slow in understanding the greatness of his divine love and his readiness to benefit his friends and dear ones, whom He desires to elevate from the dust and enrich in diverse manners.


As soon as thou hast penetrated into this truth, it will oblige thee to thank Him and incite thee to undertake the great things, that become a most faithful daughter and spouse.


97.   And in order that thou mayest dispose thyself and be inspired so much the more, I remind thee, that the Lord often says these same words to his chosen ones: “Revertere, revertere, ut intueamur te.”


For He derives just as great pleasure from their deeds, as when a father rejoices in his beloved and well-behaved son, whom he looks upon many times with great affection; or as an artist, when he beholds with pride the perfect works of his hands; or as a king, who inspects the rich city, which he has added to his dominions; or as one, who is pleased with his much beloved friend.


There is only this difference: the Most High finds incomparably more delight than all these in the souls, which He has chosen for his blessings; and in proportion as they dispose themselves and advance in virtue, the Lord also multiplies his favors and benefits.


If the mortals, that attain to the light of faith, would enter into this truth, they would, merely on account of this complacence of the Almighty in their good deeds, not only preserve themselves from sin, but they would zealously engage in great works until death and eagerly show their loving servitude to Him, who is so liberal in rewarding, and so generous in his favors.


98.When, on this eighth day which thou hast described, the Lord in heaven spoke to me these words: “Revertere, revertere,” asking me to turn toward Him and allow the celestial spirits to look upon me; I was made aware, that the pleasure, which his divine Majesty derived in beholding me, by itself exceeded all the delight and complacency, which He ever derived from all the most saintly souls in the height of their sanctity.


In his gracious condescension He was more pleased in me than in all the Apostles, Martyrs, Confessors, Virgins and all the rest of the saints.


And this pleasure and complacency of the Most High overflowed and enriched my spirit with such an influx of grace and participation of the Divinity, that thou canst neither understand nor explain it as long as thou art in the mortal flesh.


But I tell thee of this hidden mystery, in order that thou mayest bless its Author, and that, while yet thy exile from the fatherland continues, thou dispose and exert thyself in my place and name to extend and reach out thy hands to great things (Prov. 31, 19).


Give to the Lord the satisfaction expected of thee, and strive after it, thus earning his blessings and soliciting them for thyself and thy neighbor with perfect charity.



上一篇:007天主的奥秘之城第二册第1卷第7章 至高的天主庆祝与天堂公主的新婚,以开启道成肉身的婚姻
下一篇:009天主的奥秘之城第二册第1卷第9章 至高者天主在至圣玛利亚身上更新祂所有的圣宠和荣福,作为天主圣子降生成人的最终准备,使她成为天地之母皇


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